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Harry was entering his third trimester and he was still horny all the time. Louis had kind of moved into Harry's bedroom so he could take care of his needs. He had been right. Watching Harry's belly while the gorgeous man fucked him into oblivion had been mindblowing.

He had lost count of how many trips he had made in the middle of the night during the first two weeks when Harry woke him up with a craving and an adorable pout on his lips. Now he made sure that they were fully stocked with all kinds of things and he usually just had to go down to the kitchen to mix up whatever Harry was asking for. Harry's eyes sparkled and he thanked him every time. Louis mostly just wanted to hurl from the things Harry put together like mustard and fudge or meatballs and strawberry jam. But of course, he never said anything about it. He just smiled sweetly and had long conversations with his mum when Harry wasn't around to know how he should take care of Harry during the pregnancy. His mum had given birth to seven children. If she wasn't an expert he didn't know who was.

His mum had been really surprised when he told her that he was having a baby for many different reasons. One, she knew he was gay. Two, she knew that he was single and three, he told her that Harry was pregnant. She took it well all considering.

He did his absolute best tending to Harry's needs because the man was carrying his child. He made sure to give him back massages every day because he knew that Harry had a bad back. He made sure he ate healthily and followed him to every doctor's appointment.

They had found out that they were expecting a little girl and they both cried happy tears when they looked at the ultrasound. Louis came home the next day with a pink onesie and Harry burst out crying when he held it up proudly. After that, they started nesting and bought the things they needed for the baby. They put a crib in Harry's bedroom.

Time flew. Harry's belly was getting bigger and bigger. They had created some sort of life together. They slept in the same bed, they had sex, they ate and watched movies and hanged out with the guys but something was missing. Louis couldn't just snuggle Harry like he wanted to. He couldn't just kiss him good morning and tell him he loved him. He couldn't just hold him and play with his hair, hold his hand or show him the affection he so desperately wanted to. It was tearing him apart.

He couldn't come clean either. If Harry rejected him he couldn't see how they possibly could continue to live together and that would affect his relationship with his unborn daughter. He wasn't willing to risk it. So he sucked it up. He tried to push his feelings away and focused on the pregnancy and the fact that he would be a dad in a couple of weeks.

When Harry reaches week 32 of his pregnancy his sexlust went away and he asked Louis to sleep in his own room. There was no need for them to share a bed anymore. It broke Louis's heart but he didn't argue about it. He just started to sleep in the other room. He hardly got any sleep. He was just tossing and turning.

His mum had been busting his ass about meeting Harry so he finally asked him if it would be okay if his family came to visit.
"You live here too. This is their future granddaughter. Of course Lou." Harry answered before he waddled to the kitchen.

Louis smiled at him. Harry was so cute when he waddled. He gave his mum a call and they decided to come and visit on Saturday which was two days away. He informed Harry who just smiled at him.

He woke up on Saturday morning to the sound of Harry crying. He immediately ran over and knocked at the door.
"Harry? Can I come in? What's wrong?"

He opened the door and peeked inside. Harrys room was a mess. Clothes chattered all over the floor and Harry was standing in front of the closet, crying. Louis immediately walked up to him.
"What's wrong baby?"

Harry turned around to face him.
"Don't look at me, Lou. I'm hideous. Nothing fits! How am I suppose to meet your family looking like this?"

Louis stared at him.
"What are you talking about? You're beautiful Harry."

Harry just snorted in response. Louis took a step closer.
"No, listen to me, Harry. You are beautiful. You've always been beautiful, the most gorgeous man I have ever seen, but now that you're pregnant you have this glow that makes you ten times more beautiful. Hundred times more beautiful! Don't put yourself down like that. Me mum will love you. I promise. Come here."
Louis opened his arms and Harry stepped into his embrace and they hugged for a while.

Harry calmed down and let go. Louis looked up at him.
"You look good in anything but we haven't really bought you any pregnancy clothes. Do you wanna take a trip to the mall? My family won't be here until 1." Louis suggested.

Harrys face lid up from the suggestion and he nodded his head with a smile.
"Good, put on something comfortable. I'm gonna get dressed as well." Louis suggested and looked around the room. "Ehm, I'll help you put this back in the closet."

Half an hour later they were buckled in on their way to the mall. Louis was driving. They walked inside and found a store for pregnancy clothes. The sales clerk's eyes almost popped out when she saw Harry and Louis scolded her when Harry became uncomfortable from the staring. She apologizes but then she had the audacity to point out that the clothes in the store were for pregnant women. Louis told her to go fuck herself and pulled Harry out of the store. He looked like he was on the verge of crying. Louis stopped and hugged him.
"Don't you dare listen to that bitch. You can wear anything you want as long as you like it. Who the fuck cares what gender they're supposedly for. Wear a dress for all that I care. I'm sure you would look fucking hot in it."

Harry relaxed in his arms.
"Thank you, Lou. You're great, you know that?"

Louis let go and winked at him.
"I know. Come on, I know there's another shop here with pregnancy clothes. Let's try there instead."

He took Harry's hand in his and they found the second shop. The sales clerk there was an older woman and she didn't even flinch when she saw Harry. Instead, she smiled big and congratulated him, and told him that he looked stunning. Harry was beaming. She was very helpful and they walked out of the store an hour later with new clothes for Harry and he had even found an outfit that made him feel pretty and he decided that he would wear it today.

Harry turned to Louis on the car ride home.
"Lou? I don't know if I ever told you how much I appreciate you and everything you have done for me these last couple of months. You have been so supportive and you take really good care of me and the baby. You're gonna be an amazing dad."

"Thank you Hazza. So are you. Or should I call you baby mama from now on? You're the one who's knocked up." Louis winked.

Harry chuckled.
"Geesh, thanks. I actually thought about this. Maybe I can be papa and you can be dad so the baby won't get confused. Daddy doesn't really fit..." Harry blushed.

"Because I'm your Daddy." Louis smirked.

Harry slapped his arm with a huff and Louis laughed.
"That sounds great Haz. I can be dad and you can be papa."

Harry beamed.

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