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Louis had spent a month in New York now and he loved it. He kept himself busy so he didn't have to think about Harry. It worked during the days but nighttime was another thing. Harry had left a void in his heart. It was fucking stupid. Stupid Harry. Stupid heart. He at least knew what that feeling in his stomach was. Love. It was a foreign word, a foreign feeling to him. He had never been in love before. Well, it sucked!


Niall followed Harry to every doctor's appointment and he always had a list of questions to the doctor. He was obsessed with this pregnancy. He read tests on cribs and baby monitors at night to decide what they needed and in the daytime, he made sure that Harry ate healthily and rubbed his feet.

Harry was so grateful that he had Niall but he missed Louis. He hadn't dared to go look for him yet. Louis would never believe him if he told him that he was pregnant because that was absurd. The only reason Niall believed him was because they been best friends for so long. He and Louis had only met for a week. Niall was nagging him about contacting Louis but he wanted to wait a little bit longer until he had a baby bump to show off.

He waited until he entered week 16 of his pregnancy. He had a baby bump now and a new fresh photo where you could actually see that it was a baby inside of him. He also made his doctor write a note. He remembered the name of the restaurant Louis said he worked at and googled the address.

He drove himself there and took a deep breath before he walked inside. He was so nervous. He looked around as soon as he entered the restaurant. It looked nice but he couldn't see Louis anywhere. Maybe he wasn't working today?

He spotted someone who seemed to work here and walked over to him.
"Ehm, excused me. Is Louis working today?"

The man looked at him surprised.
"No, he's not here."

Harry's heart sank and he put a hand on his stomach protectively. The man followed his movement with his eyes and furrowed his eyebrows.
"When will he be in? I really need to talk to him." Harry continued.

"Uhm, Louis is in New York for the moment. I'm sorry, who are you?" The man asked confused.

Harry let that sink in for a moment. Fuck! Louis had told him the truth. Harry's eyes filled up with tears. This pregnancy made him so emotional. Damn it! The man in front of him stared at him.
"Wait, are you Harry?"

"Ehm, yeah." Harry answered and wiped away a tear that broke loose.

"I'm Liam. Louis best friend. He told me about you. Ehm, are you okay? You look upset." Liam replied, looking concerned.

Harry let out a chuckle.
"I'm okay but I really need to get a hold of Louis. I need to tell him something." Harry said and rubbed his stomach.

"Okay? Leave your number and I'll talk to him to see if he wants to call you. No offense Harry." Liam suggested.

Harry started to sob and Liam's eyes grew wide. Was this Harry guy crazy or something?

"Oh God, I'm sorry. I'm such a mess. I'm not like this usually. My hormones make me emotional." Harry mumbled.

"Hormones?" Liam asked confused and his eyes once again fell on Harry's belly.

"Yeah. Ehm, I think I need to tell you something so you understand why it's so urgent for me to talk to Louis. Can we sit somewhere? My feet are killing me." Harry said with what he hoped would be a friendly smile.

Liam took him to his office and they sat down. Harry pulled out some papers from his bag and handed them to Liam without a word. Liam seemed confused but he started to read them and his eyes grew bigger and bigger. His eyes snapped up and landed on Harry's belly.
"That's impossible."

Harry chuckled lightly.
"I had the same reaction, trust me, but yeah, I'm pregnant with Louis baby."

Liam looked like he was about to faint and pinched the bridge of his nose mumbling "no way, oh God, no way."

He looked down at the photo again and a smile spread across his face.
"I'm gonna be an uncle? That's so cool!"

Harry rolled his eyes with a smile.
"My best mate Niall said the same thing."

Liam hesitated for a while before he continued.
"How do I know this is for real? I mean, you could be some crazy dude who forged this." Liam shook the papers in his hands.

"I would have to be really fucking crazy to try and fake a male pregnancy. Not the smartest move huh? I can take you to my doctor and you can talk to my best mate as well." Harry huffed.

Liam gave him a calculating look before he smiled again.
"I'm gonna call Louis right away and tell him that he needs to get on the next flight home. I'm not gonna tell him why because, one, it's not my thing to tell, and two, there's no way in hell he would believe me."

Harry burst out crying.
"Thank you, Liam."

"Yeah, ehm, can I do something?" Liam said in a concerned voice and handed Harry a tissue.

"I'm fine." Harry answered with a smile and dried his cheeks with the tissue.

Harry gave Liam his number and stood up. He took his papers and put them in his bag and thanked him once more before he walked out of the restaurant to go home.

Liam just sat and stared into thin air. This was unbelievable. He came to his senses and reached for the phone.

"Hi mate!" Louis answered.

"Hi, Louis. Something came up. I need you to take the next flight home." Liam answered.

"Why? What happened?" Louis questioned, sounding worried.

"Nothing bad. ehm, Harry came looking for you." Liam answered.

Louis was quiet for a moment.
"He did? Okay... wow. Well, I can't go home right now. I mean, I'm in the middle of something here, crazy busy."

"Louis, you need to come home now. I can go to New York. We'll figure it out. Harry needs to talk to you." Liam answered.

"What the hell is going on Liam? You're scaring me. Is he dying or something?" Louis sounded upset.

"No! He just has to tell you something urgent." Liam tried to explain.

"Okay? Well, just give me his number. I'll call him." Louis sounded confused.

Liam sighed.
"This isn't a conversation you can have over the phone. You need to see him in person. Just trust me on this Louis. I'm sorry, I'm not gonna tell you what it is. It's not my place to tell but I'm asking you, as your friend, please come home now."

"Okay." Louis agreed.

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