2-Stuck in the middle of nowhere

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"It's you! Wait! Are you stalking me?" Louis blurted out.

The man blushed.
"No! I mean, I kind of overheard that you were going to the Icehotel. I'm going there as well, and then the GPS talked Swedish and I saw you driving away so I thought I would follow you because you probably knew where you were going but apparently not, and fuck, this really makes me sound like a stalker, doesn't it?"

Louis started laughing.
"It kind of does."

The man smiled.
"I'm sorry. It was never my intention. I'm Harry by the way."

"Louis. Fuck it's cold as hell! Do you have a working cellphone? I kind of smashed mine."

Harry pulled out his cellphone from his pocket and looked at it.
"Ehm, it's working but it's out of service. No cellphone connection."

Louis was shaking from cold. Harry looked up at him and wrinkled his eyebrows in concern.
"Okay, it's freezing outside. Grab your things and let's turn my car around. We'll go back and hopefully we'll find the right way."

Louis wanted to argue that there was no way he was getting in the car with a complete stranger, no matter how good-looking he might be, but it was freaking cold and they were in the middle of nowhere. He hurried to grab his bags and soon they were seated in the car. Harry tried to turn the ignition on but nothing happened. He tried again but the car was dead. He let out a bunch of swearing words and tried for the third time but the car wouldn't start. He sighed and turned to Louis.
"So...my car won't start. I guess it's too cold outside."

Louis's eyes grew wide. He started to panic. "Fuck! This is bad. So fucking bad! We're gonna freeze to death in the middle of fucking nowhere!"

"Breathe Louis. It'll be okay. We just need a plan. Let me think." Harry tried to calm him and strangely it worked.

Louis took a deep breath. Harry tried to start the car one last time without any success.
"Okay, plan B. Do you have any blankets in your car?"

"No, I was gonna sleep in a hotel. I didn't bring any blankets." Louis answered and rolled his eyes.

"A hotel made of ice." Harry chuckled.

"So?" Louis questioned.

"Never mind. Do you have anything to eat or drink? I have two blankets." Harry said cheerfully.

Why the hell was he so happy? They were in so much trouble. Louis wondered if everything was right in Harry's head. He stared at him conspicuously.
"I have some candy and Coca-Cola in my car."

"Great!" Harry grinned.

Yep. There was something really wrong with him.
"How can you be so fucking happy? We're gonna die."

Harry rolled his eyes in response.
"No, we're not. We're gonna sleep in your car. It's bigger and surrounded by snow so that will insolate us a bit from the cold. Come on! Bring your bags!" Harry said and started to get out of the car.

Louis's mouth hung open.
"You're not serious are you?"

Harry looked at him.
"Do you have a better idea? We're kind of stranded here."

"No." Louis muttered and got out of the car.

Snow was whirling around him and he hurried to grab his bags from the back of Harry's car and ran over to his own.
He opened the trunk with his keys and got inside. Harry was right beside him. They hurried to close the trunk behind them. The car was cold.
"Now what?" Louis questioned.

Harry turned around and put down the back seats so they would have a bigger surface to lay down on. He pulled out his blankets and started to spread the first one underneath them to lay on. Louis helped him. Harry pulled out some of his clothes and started to pile them against the walls to shield them from the cold. Louis pulled out his own clothes and copied Harry's actions. This was so stupid. He was freezing his ass off, teeth chattering from the cold.

"Put on something warmer." Harry suggested.

Louis dug through his bags and found a knitted sweatshirt and his cover trousers and put it on. He found a beenie and pulled it down over his hair. He put his jacket back on. Harry had dressed in layers as well and he had also found Louis candy stash. Harry put the second blanket over their legs.
"Tell me about yourself Louis." he smiled friendly.

Louis hesitated at first but started to tell Harry basic stuff, like where he was from and what he did for a living. He relaxed after a while and they just talked and laughed and ate candy. Louis was still freezing. His whole body was shaking. Harry suggested that they would lay down so he might get a little bit warmer. They continued to tell each other stories about their lives.

Louis realized that Harry wasn't just good-looking. He seemed to be a really nice guy as well. He seemed genuine based on the way he talked about his family and friends. He hadn't brought up a partner of some kind so hopefully he was single. The big question was if he was hetero, bi or homosexual? It wasn't something you just asked someone bluntly out of nowhere. He hoped he would get some kind of clue soon.

They were laying on their backs, shoulders touching. They had both rolled up a sweatshirt to use as a pillow. Louis was still freezing. His whole body was shaking from cold.
"Your lips are blue." Harry said after examining his face closely.

"Yeah? Well, it's cold as hell." Louis smirked.

"Take your clothes off." Harry answered and sat up. He started to strip out of his own.

"What? Why?" Louis questioned, feeling confused and shy.

"Because we can keep each other warm with our body heat. I know it might be a bit awkward, but you're freezing so much. We need to fix that so you won't get sick. There's a long night ahead of us." Harry explained and pulled the sweatshirt over his head.

Louis stared at his bare chest and gulped. Harry was fit and covered in tattoos. He might not survive this night for other reasons than the cold weather.

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