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Harry had waited for Louis to come back but he didn't. He guessed that was his answer. This week meant nothing more than sex to Louis. Harry was sad. He didn't want to see Louis at the airport, 'cause screw him! He called and rebooked his flight and he also managed to book a flight from Heathrow to go home to his mum for a couple of days. He had another week of vacation left and he needed his family.

He sighed in relief when he saw the familiar house. His mum welcomed him with open arms. He relaxed at home for a couple of days before he went back to London. He missed Louis.

His roommate Niall hugged him when he came home with a huge grin on his face.
"Hi mate, I've missed you. Tell me everything about the Icehotel."

They sat down in the living room and Niall was looking at him expectantly. Harry didn't really know what to say.
"It was great, really cool. The Icehotel was awesome."

Niall gave him a confused look.
"Why do you look like someone kidnapped your cat or something? Did something happen?"

Harry bit his lower lip and looked down at his hands.
"I met someone. Louis. We had a wonderful time together but it ended badly."

"Bad how?" Niall questioned softly. He could see that Harry clearly was affected by this.

Harry sighed and dragged a hand through his hair.
"He gave me some bullshit story that he was moving to New York as soon as he came back to England. Our time together clearly didn't mean the same for him as it did to me."

Niall could see that Harry was on the verge of crying.
"Or maybe he was actually moving to New York? What reason for moving did he give you?"

Harry snorted.
"Something about branching out the restaurant he's working at."

"And that sounds unbelievable?" Niall asked.

"I thought so. I don't know. It was the way he said it... you know my track record. I always find the assholes." Harry muttered.

"Yeah, but..." Niall hesitated. He petted Harry's knee. "I'm sorry you're hurt, Harry. Wanna watch a movie and eat some ice cream?"

"That sounds perfect." Harry smiled sadly.

Niall jumped up and headed for the kitchen to get the ice cream. Harry picked out a movie. This was a time for The Notebook. Niall came back and his eyes widened when he saw what movie Harry had picked out.
"Oh shit. Getting the heavy stuff? It's that bad huh? Come here."

He sat down and opened his arms and Harry cuddled closer. The first tear started to fall a minute into the movie and Niall let him cry without a word. He just held his arm around him and didn't care that his t-shirt got soaked.

A month later life had gone back to normal. It was like Louis had never existed, like it had just been a dream. It was what Harry pretended at least. The blue-eyed man was always lingering in the back of his head.

He was home from work. He had caught a nasty stomach bug and kept throwing up, mostly in the mornings strangely enough. When five days had passed and he still puked Niall forced him to go see a doctor. He only went to calm Niall's nerves. He was like a mommy hen when it came to his best friend. Harry was just grateful to have Niall in his life. They had been best friends since high school when Niall and his family moved from Ireland to Holmes Chapel.

The doctor, a middle-aged man, examined him and ran some tests. He left Harry alone for a while and when he came back he seemed shaken up but strangely excited.
"Okay, sit down, this might come as a shock to you." the doctor said and sat down at his desk.

Harry got pale.
"Oh god, is it cancer?"

"No! I'm sorry. You're not sick. Hopefully, this is good news." the doctor hurried to say.

"Just spit it out, doctor!" Harry begged nervously.

"You're pregnant." the doctor said in a serious tone.

Harry stared at him in disbelief and then he burst out laughing.
"Good one. I'm a man."

"A man with a uterus. It's very rare. It's the first time I've come across it in my career. I'm sorry for being a little bit over-excited." the doctor smiled.

Harry's mouth hung open.
"Wait, are you serious?"

"Yes. Come on. Let's do an ultrasound." the doctor said with a smile and motioned for Harry to lay down on the examining table.

Harry was in shock. He stumbled over and laid down. He flinched when the doctor poured gel on his stomach and he stared at the monitor and drew in a sharp breath when the doctor pointed at something in a size of a peanut.
"That's your baby. It looks like you're four or five weeks pregnant."

Harry started to cry while he stared at the monitor.
"Hi, little one. I'm your dad."

The doctor printed out a photo and wiped Harry's stomach before he asked him to sit up.
"So Harry, take some time to decide what you want to do."

"I'm keeping it." Harry smiled.

"Alright. Is there another father in the picture?" the doctor asked.

Harry bit his lower lip.
"Ehm, that's complicated."

"Okay. I'm gonna give you a list of supplements and vitamins you need to take and I want to see you every week for checkups. Okay?"

"Okay. Thanks, doctor." Harry smiled.

He got the photo of his baby and headed home. Niall was in the kitchen and he asked him to sit down in the living room with him.
"I'm pregnant."

Niall rolled his eyes with a smirk.
"Yeah, right."

"No, I'm serious Niall. I'm like five weeks pregnant. Look."

Harry handed him the picture and Niall stared at it in confusion.
"This is a really bad prank, Harry. I'm not buying it." Niall snorted.

"No, I'm telling you the truth. Apparently, I have an uterus. I swear on anything holy, on our friendship, that I'm telling you the truth. I need you to believe me Niall because I need you right now. I'm overwhelmed and scared because I'm having a baby for fucks sake!" Harry said with a trembling voice and tears in his eyes.

Niall stared at him with his mouth hung open.
"You're not shitting me? I will kill you if you're messing with me."

"I'm serious Niall. Please believe me. Please." Harry said sincerely.

"Holy shit! I'm gonna be an uncle! That's incredible Harry!" Niall shouted excitedly and threw himself in Harry's arms.

Harry laughed and hugged him close.

"But wait, five weeks pregnant? So Louis is the other dad?" Niall asked and broke loose from the embrace.

Harry sighed.

"You need to tell him, Harry. He deserves to know that he's gonna be a dad. It's his baby too." Niall said seriously.

"Yeah." Harry broke down crying.

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