21- Childbirth and confession

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In the weeks that followed Harry got more and more grumpy. He just wanted this baby to be born so he could get his body back, and meet their daughter of course. He took a leave of absence from work when it was two weeks left to his due date. They had packed a bag for the hospital and they were just waiting.

The contractions started on a Friday morning, six days early. Harry was in the shower when he felt a sharp pain and he grunted. He finished his shower fast and got dressed even faster.

Louis came running into Harry's bedroom.

"It's time." Harry grunted.

"Time for..." Louis's eyes grew big. "Shit! Oh my god, ehm.." He started to run around.

"Louis! Get the bag and help me in the car. You have to calm down. You're making me nervous and I'm already scared." Harry said.

Louis stopped what he was doing and took a deep breath. He came in to hug Harry, drawing soothing circles on his back.
"Don't be scared baby. I got you."

Harry relaxed immediately. Louis put an arm around him to help him walk to the front door. The overnight bag was there and he picked it up along with their phones and the keys. Harry was leaning against the wall, breathing heavily. His face was scrunched in pain. Louis pressed a light kiss against his forehead before he helped him outside. He helped him inside the car and buckled his seatbelt before he jumped in and started to drive to the hospital. His heart was pounding erratically. Harry groaned beside him every time he had a contraction and Louis reached out to take his hand.
"You're doing amazing baby. We're almost there."

As soon as they pulled up at the hospital entrance Louis rushed out of the car and hurried to help Harry inside.
"We need a little help here. Where's Dr. Groth?" he shouted in panic as soon as they entered.

He found a wheelchair and helped Harry to sit down. A nurse came to escort them to a room. Louis wrote a quick text to Harry's mum, his mum and Niall and Liam before he gave Harry his full attention again.

The delivery took six hours and Louis was right by Harry's side the whole time. He held his hand, wiped his forehead and encouraged him to push, telling him how great he was doing. He got to cut the umbilical cord and they both cried when Darcy finally saw the day of light for the first time.

They both stared in awe at the beautiful baby in Harry's arms.
"She's perfect." Louis whispered.

Harry looked at him with a smile.
"She has your eyes."

"Yeah, but it looks like she's getting your hair. Those wonderful curls." Louis replied softly and stroke Darcys head.

"Here, it's your turn to hold her." Harry said with a smile and handed him the baby.

Louis treated her like she was made of glass when he took her in his arms. He looked down at her with teary eyes.
"Hi, Darcy. I'm you dad. I love you so much. Papa loves you too."

He looked up at Harry who looked really emotional.
"Harry, I lo...."

The door flung open and Niall and Liam entered the room. They had balloons and presents with them.
"Congratulations daddies." Liam grinned.

They walked over to Louis to look at the baby.
"Oh, she's beautiful. Hi Darcy, I'm your favorite uncle Niall." Niall said with a smile.

Liam snorted.
"As if. That would be me."

"Guys, keep it down a notch. Harry's exhausted." Louis said.

"Of course. I'm sorry Haz." Niall apologized and turned to Harry. "So you pushed her out your ass huh?"

"Niall!" Louis growled.

Harry started to laugh.
"I love you too Niall but I should really try and get some sleep now."

"Yeah, of course! You did good Harry. Oh, and I bought Darcy a golf outfit, clubs and everything. You can't start too young. I'm telling you, she's gonna go pro." Niall grinned and kissed Harry on the forehead.

"Okay, you're officially insane." Harry chuckled.

Louis rolled his eyes at them. Liam hugged him and congratulated them both once more. They both planted a kiss on Darcy's head before they headed out. Harry's eyelids were getting heavy.
"Sleep. I got her." Louis said softly and stroke Harry's hair briefly.

They got released from the hospital two days later and Louis had taken some time off from work so he and Harry could take care of Darcy together. They were both totally mesmerized by her. They took turns changing her diapers, feeding her and rocking her to sleep when she woke up during the night. They moved her crib between their rooms to let each other sleep.

They had been at home for two weeks when Louis woke up from Darcy's scream. It was Harrys night to have her but Louis got up anyhow and walked over to Harry's bedroom. He stopped by the door and leaned against the doorframe to watch them. Harry was rocking her in his arms, softly humming a lullaby.

Louis's heart was filled with so much love for their daughter and her beautiful papa. Harry looked up and gulped from the sight of Louis in a pair of pajama bottoms and nothing else.
"I got her." he whispered and put the sleeping baby back in her crib.

"I love you." Louis replied softly.

Harry's eyes grew wide and he turned around to face Louis.
"What? You don't have to say that just because we have a baby together."

Louis sighed and rubbed the back of his neck.
"I'm not. Just hear me out Haz and please don't kick me out if you're turning me down. I'm risking everything now but I promise I won't make it awkward."

Harry didn't reply. He just stared at Louis, looking really vulnerable. Louis took a deep breath. He walked into the room and stopped in front of Harry.
"I'm in love with you Harry. It has nothing to do with Darcy even if I love you even more since we had her. I've been in love with you forever, since the Icehotel. I just didn't realize it until it was too late because I've never been in love before. I regret walking out on you. Do you know that I waited a whole day at Heathrow until there were no more flights from Stockholm arriving? You never showed up."

"I didn't know that. I went straight to my mums." Harry mumbled. His eyes were teary.

"Yeah, well. I tried to google you as well but I didn't even know your surname." Louis shrugged his shoulders and gave Harry a sad smile.

"Anyhow, Darcy is the best thing that ever happened to me but it complicates things between you and me. I can see that you don't believe me. That you think I'm only telling you this because of Darcy. Have I ever lied to you, Harry? I'm so fucking in love with you. You must have noticed the way I look at you? How I was acting when we had sex? You're amazing Harry and I love everything about you. I dream about being able to show you that. To kiss you whenever I want. To fall asleep with you in my arms. God, please say that you believe me." Tears started to roll down Louis's cheeks.

Harry took a step closer and hugged him hard, tears spilling over and starting to roll down his cheeks as well.
"I love you too Louis. I'm really in love with you too."

Louis let out a relieved sigh.
"Thank God."

Soon they were kissing each other lovingly while Darcy slept safely in her crib, totally unaware that her two dads found their way to each other's hearts once and for all because Louis finally decided to be brave.

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