"What if you're wrong?" she asked with what he could tell was a legitimate look on her face.
Devon could also sense that another serious debate was brewing and thought it was best to not mock her question, "It's possible. Anything is."
"That's a major concession, especially since it's coming from you." she took this answer a little more tact. He appreciated the fact that she resisted the urge to do a touchdown like celebration in the middle of the restaurant they had chosen to eat their lunch at.
Devon could also tell that it took considerable restraint, but wasn't going to let her go one forever "It's not as major as you think or hope it is." he countered, "When I said anything is possible, I literally meant anything. Do you realize how many organized religions are out there claiming to be the one true sect? If there is one God up there, then someone down here is wrong and has got some explaining do to when it's all said and done. For example, what if Amon Ra the true deity? Or what if Jesus didn't actually resurrect but beamed up to his space ship and went home?"
"You mean like Elvis?"
"I see where you're going with this," Helen said as she continued to slowly gnaw on her bread stick, "but when I originally asked if you're wrong I was also asking you what if I was also hypothetically right?"
"Keep going." Devon invited as he wanted to give Helen a chance to finish her thought and get all the details of what she was trying to say before retorting. He could tell she had something big on her mind and wanted to give her a moment to spit it out. She seemed very passionate about this answer and wanted to give her time to have her moment and give her the floor for as long as she needed it.
"What I'm trying to ask is what are you going to say, or for the sake of debate what would you say when you kick the bucket and find yourself stand at the Pearly Gates. I mean wouldn't you be shitting bricks if you found yourself standing at the gates of a place you denied existed your entire life?"
"I'm not sure, do souls actually shit?" Devon had a coy smile on his face as he couldn't help it.
"I'm serious," Helen snapped back as she seemed frustrated by Devon's joke. She emphasized her annoyance by quickly punching Devon on the shoulder to punish him for trying to disturb their conversation with a smart ass joke. Devon should have known better but rather than apologize, he simply gestured for her to resume as she again had control of the floor, "I merely want to know how you intend to explain yourself if you where presented with such a circumstance?" she stopped there, and grabbed a new breadstick, eager to hear what his comeback would be.
Devon paused for a moment, "Let me start off by stating this is a very good question but should anything like should every happen really don't think any explanation would be necessary."
"You don't plan to say anything in your defense?" Helen repeated, slightly shocked by his answer.
"I won't have to." Devon said as he started to explain, "Rather than attempt to talk my way out of anything, I would prefer my actions do the talking for me. How I have conducted myself as a member of the human race will speak volumes for me whenever I have to face any such situation. I chose to reject every organized religion because there are too many of them and each one has the same amount of evidence to back up there claim: zero, ziltch, nadda, absolutely nothing. Based on that lacking of credibility, I choose to life this life to the fullest without the burden of religion or the assumption that I can pass the buck onto an afterlife that may or may not exist. This life might be all we get, so I prefer to life it like it's all I got rather than assume we get a mulligan on the other side I have no proof exists. And all my moral decisions or actions are based on a legitimate neutral code, not on how many brownie points I can I can score with any particular almighty being. I live to be right, wrong and fair and not because someone told me to be for no reasonable cause."
"So you won't apologize for being wrong if you appear before the Pearly Gates?" she repeated, obviously trying to pry a straight answer out of him.
"I don't see why I would need to." Devon quickly retorted, "I don't know what exactly I would be apologizing for; using my brain too well? If there really is an intelligent designer as the book suggests, wouldn't he or she be proud of the people who choose to use all their parts of their creations and not waste something as magnificent and complex as the human brain? If I just followed the first person who tried to dupe me and didn't use my noodle to its full potential and question it, then that would be something I should apologize to God for."
"You seem to raise a valid point." Helen said as it was now her turn to make a concession, but Devon took it just as sportsmanlike as she did, not gloating in any way.
"What you have to realize." Devon said after he polished off his glass of water, "is that I'm more of a hands on kind of person. I'm not interested in dealing with issues unless they are real problems with real solutions. If anything really exists, I'll deal with them when they really present themselves. Until then, they are no more an issue to me as ogres, trolls, dragons, fairies or flying spaghetti monsters."
"Speak of the devil." Helen said with an innocent smile. They both couldn't help but chuckle as their lunch finally arrived after a small wait, and Devon had forgotten that Helen had ordered the red sauce pasta so while it didn't fly in it landed on their table and looked rather monster like based on the way it was cooked, "Would you care to explain yourself to this monster?"
"Not really." Devon said with a smile, "This one doesn't fly. He's unworthy." They both giggled again and let the subject go as they both dug into their respective meals and changed the subject to something lighter as they began to eat.
God Hates Us All
Tiểu Thuyết ChungA regular commute to work is anything but when two strangers start talking about something that was misspoken, thus leading them to engage in a highly combative discussion.