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"So why did you almost break his nose again?" Changbin tried to understand what Jisung was saying, or what he wasn't saying.

"I just felt like punching him."

"Jisung come on, We already have way too many trouble and you're just causing more now."

"Everything would've been more than okay, if he wasn't a selfish ass." Changbin watched Jisung as he stared at his computer, not really doing anything.

"Can you explain that, please. I'm starting to lose my shit."

"Changbin, listen. I'm not going to say anything, but trust me if you were in my place, Minho would've been dead by now. So lets forget about what happened. I almost broke his nose? So what? I guess we all are broken already to care about a useless nose." Changbin knew that no matter how hard he tried, Jisung wasn't going to say anything. "We have a comeback to worry about too."

Changbin nodded at Jisung as he got up, leaving the studio only to see Hyunjin in front of him. "Where were you all day?"

"Places." Hyunjin pushed past Changbin to the studio.

"What the fuck is wrong with everyone."


"How's things in Chicago?"

"Boring I guess." Seungmin hummed, not really believing her.

"When are you planning to come back?"

"To Korea? Soon. To the group, I'm not sure." Seungmin hummed again. He was trying his best to act as if he was believing her.

"I'll call you later, but anyways next time you're planning to lie, just make sure that your mother knows. Bye bye." Seungmin smirked as he hung up the call before Suri could say anything. Seungmin laughed to himself, not really mad at Suri. He knew that she was just protecting everyone and was following what she was told to do.

"Hey, are you busy?" Seungmin looked at Minho who was standing by the now open door of his bed room.

"Nope, come in." Seungmin watched confusedly as Minho sat on the small chair in the room. "Are you okay?" It was weird for Seungmin to see Minho like this, and it definitely worried him.

"Yeah, I guess. I just wanted to talk to you." Seungmin didn't know what happened between Minho and Jisung. No one knew except Felix and Changbin and they were doing a great job keeping it a secret from everyone.

"I'm listening." Minho felt that he needed to talk to someone and he was having a hard time choosing who would be the perfect one to talk to. He knew that Chan or Changbin would've killed him on spot and of course he wasn't planning to talk to Hyunjin about such a topic. He also knew that Felix and Jeongin weren't going to take his side or understand him.

"Me and Jisung got into a big fight." Seungmin looked at Minho waiting for him to continue. "He punched me and stuff. I deserve it though, luckily that was the only thing he did. I deserve more though, but Felix and Changbin stopped him. Anyways I deserve it."

"That's it?" Seungmin watched as Minho didn't say anything more for some minutes. He waited for him to continue but nothing. "What did you do?"

"Everything- I did everything. Suri is on a hiatus because of me. I told everyone about her relationship, and I faked the cheating thing. I didn't want her to be with Jeno, I liked Suri. I didn't want things to be this way, I don't even know why I did everything. Yeah. So Jisung got mad."

Seungmin tried his best to stay as calm as he can, as he laid on her bed, sighing. "You deserve it." Minho nodded and before he could say anything Seungmin stopped him again. "Su can definitely forgive you, you know her. I don't think she'll be able to forget about this. You'll have to talk to her, but not now. She needs time for herself, maybe when she comes back to Korea. You'll have to talk to Jeno too, and the other boys, maybe JYP and our manager too. You have a lot of talking to do. Even though you may just cause more trouble, but you have to explain yourself to everyone. They all deserve an explanation. Specially Jeno and Suri-"

"I'm not going to talk to Jeno."

"That was an order, and trust me if Jisung just punched you, I won't be afraid to cut your little friend off. I'm trying my best to be nice here so don't get on my nerves. Anyways, wait for everyone to calm down first then talk to them, starting with Jeno. Ask for forgiveness, that's the only thing you can do." Minho sighed as he nodded slowly.

"Thank you Seungmin. I'm really sorry about everything too, I really am." Seungmin just nodded, closing his eyes as he was still laying down. Minho walked over to the door to leave, but was stupid by Seungmin.

"Hey Minho-" He turned to look at the guy only to see him in the same position, "You're an ass."

"I know."

9th member; of Stray KidsWhere stories live. Discover now