Out of the room

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A/N: Hello banana peopleeee if you have any questions about the book or me feel free to ask, because hey lets all be friends

"Okay this is so fucking annoying." Jeongin and Suri jumped the second Jisung and Minho burst into the room without knocking. 

"Yes, you just entering the room like this is fucking annoying." Jeongin said, but shut up when Suri smacked his arm, before turning to look at the other two boys. 

"What happened?" Jisung aggressively sat on her bed, putting his head on her lap, but she pushed him away, giving him a look. 

"Why don't they just stay at her house, I don't get it." Minho sat on one of the chairs in the middle of the room. "Its like she lives here with us now." Jeongin and Suri sighed, knowing exactly what the other two were talking about. 

"I can't stand staying in the room anymore, her voice annoys me." Suri giggled as she moved Jisung's head back on her lap, causing him to smile brightly as she played with his hair. 

"You guys can just stay with me and Su, or with Chan he's not sharing with anyone anyways." 

"Wow, now we can't even stay at our own room, perfect." Minho groaned, spinning on the chair. 

"He literally can see how annoyed we are, and do you know what they did?" Jisung got up looking at Suri and Jeongin. "They were literally making out and we're like two beds away from them. I hate this." 

"I agree with Jeongin, move out of the rooms maybe then he'll notice that you don't like whatever they're doing." Suri calmly said, continuing to play with Jisung's hair. The girl was having a really hard time being around Hyunjin herself, and she can't just imagine herself sharing a room with him and his new girlfriend. Just the idea disgusted her. 

"What do you think?" Minho asked, looking at Jisung who sighed before getting up. 

"Let's just get some of our stuff, one of us can stay here and the other can stay with Chan. I already hate the room by now." Minho nodded at Jisung as the both got up to go to their room, well Hyunjin and MyunHee's room for now. 

"I hate how Hyunjin completely changed because of her. He doesn't even talk to me anymore." Jeongin said as he turned to look Suri, who nodded slowly at him. 

"Its going to get worst, trust me." 


"There's something called knocking." Minho held Jisung's arm before he could burst out at the girl who they all hated already. 

"Yeah, Its my room. I can enter whenever I want to enter." Jisung answered back, giving her his best fake smile. He walked over to his closet to get a small bag, as Minho did the same, both of them putting in the bags their necessary stuff. 

"What are you doing?" Hyunjin asked, looking at them confused as he pulled away from the girl in his arm. 

"Taking our stuff." Minho answered.


"We're going to stay with the others." 

"Why?" Hyunjin asked, completely clueless, which probably annoyed Jisung more and he couldn't take it anymore.

"I don't know, why do you think? Maybe because we can't stay in a room with you two eating each other faces all the time, maybe we can't standing hearing your voices all day. Why don't you just stay at her house, isn't she living on her own or something?" Jisung finished what he had to say as he took his phone and left the room with Minho following him. Hyunjin's mouth was wide open, really surprised that one of his best friend just said this about him and his girlfriend, not really noticing that he was the one who caused all of this. 

"Babe, don't mind them." Hyunjin turned to the girl beside him, who was obviously faking her tears, but Hyunjin lost way too many brain cells to even notice. "I'll be back." He got up from beside her angrily as he went outside following the two boys. 

"Wait, What the fuck was that?" He asked angrily and Jisung wasn't sure if Hyunjin was normal by now. 

"What the fuck are you doing?" Jisung turned to him. "Can't you notice that we're annoyed with this? Can't you notice that we can't even stay in our own room because of you? Can't you notice that she obviously doesn't even like us?" 

"Jisung, why are you saying all of this? She doesn't hate you guys, she's confused why you guys don't want to be her friends. Plus what is so wrong with you staying with us in the same room?" 

"Hyunjin listen, your girlfriend doesn't like us. She doesn't want to be around us too, and she's always faking everything around us. Plus she makes you ignore us and you're not-" 

"Okay, listen Minho. I heard all of this from Seungmin, and I don't know what he told you, but MyunHee is not like that-" 

"I don't want to hear this, Hyunjin and seriously I'm way too tired to start a fight now." Jisung sighed as he turned away from Hyunjin. 

"Where are you even going to stay?" 

"I'm going to stay with Chan and Jisung is going to stay with Su and IN." Hyunjin's face dropped as he watched Jisung enter Suri and Jeongin's room, closing the door angrily behind him. "Don't let this happen to us, Hyunjin. Please." Minho lastly said, as he walked to Chan's room, leaving the guy on his own, outside his room. 

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