Stray boy; P2

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"Woojin what do you mean he left everything behind and just left." Seungmin tried to take the phone from Suri, but she only pushed him away. 

"Suri- I, ugh." Woojin let out a grown, not knowing how to handle this. He made sure to tell them not to tell Suri that Jisung was kinda lost, but Seungmin had to say it, he had to let her know. They can't keep lying like that. 

"We'll find him, Suri." Felix said as he slowly took the phone from her hand, handling it back to Seungmin. Suri was able to hear Woojin's voice from the other side of the phone, screaming at Seungmin how he shouldn't have told her. 

"We can't keep doing this Felix. We all can't keep hurting each other like that. We can't- I can't watch everyone falling apart like that." Felix clearly noticed how Suri was starting to panic, almost finding it hard to breathe and he couldn't help but fall apart in front of her. It was killing him inside watching her go through this, it was hurting him that she was the only one who's truly being really affected by all of this. 

"Can you stop? Please, you're hurting, more than all of us. You're falling apart, more than all of us, stop thinking about us, start thinking of yourself. Please Suri, I'm begging you. You're hurting yourself- No you're hurting us, by hurting yourself, please stop thinking about the others." Felix tried to hold back his tears, but he let them fall as he looked down at Suri, but she was looking anywhere but him. She didn't believe him, she didn't want to believe him. She knew it was her fault, if she didn't fall for Jisung and start dating him, if she didn't cause trouble between them, if she didn't even agree to joining Stray Kids, non of this would've happened. 

It was always her fault, she was always the one causing the trouble. They weren't the bad people, she was the bad one, she was always the one causing the trouble. They would've been happier if she wasn't with them. She should've left a long time ago. She should've stopped this when she was able to. 

The bell ringing caught their attention, and before Felix or Jeongin could open the door, Suri rushed to open it, gasping loudly at what she saw. 

"Oh baby." She smelled the alcohol on him, she stared at the purple/blue marks on his face, she wanted to cry, to punch him more than whoever punched him, but she pulled him inside. "I missed you." Jisung tried to lean to kiss her, but Felix was quickly, pulling him away from her. 

"Woojin, He's here." Seungmin hung up the call quickly, signing for Jeongin to call Chan and the others. "What the fuck happened to you?" 

Seungmin helped Felix with keeping Jisung on the couch as he tried to push them away, as he smiled at Suri who was still frozen in her place.

Jisung chuckled, turned his gaze to Seungmin then back to Suri. "I didn't have my wallet to pay for those assholes so they punched me, isn't it funny? but do you want to know what really fucking happened to me? I existed, Min. I existed in this world. I loved her and broke her." Jisung successfully pushed the two away from him, but didn't move from his place, he only leaned his head on the couch, laughing drunkenly. 

"The kept hitting me for not paying for the drink- Who knew you had to pay for this stuff. I- you know what? Let's all go for a drink together-" Jisung jumped suddenly from his place on the couch and sprinted to Suri, grabbing her wrist and she couldn't help but flinch, trying to pull her arm away. Seungmin tried to pull Jisung away from her, without hurting Suri. "Oh come on, Su. Let's go for a drink. All of us, we should celebrate." 

"Jisung stop." Suri whispered, trying to pull her arm away from him, but in vain. 

"Babe, we should go watch a movie after that, maybe eat ice cream."

"Jisung stop." 

"You love ice cream, don't you Suri?"

"JISUNG STOP." Suri screamed, the room turning to look at her. Tears were running down her face, and her voice somehow sobered Jisung up. He took his hands off of her, backing away slowly. "I'm so tired, so fucking tired, please stop." 

As if it was destined to become worst, the door was pushed open, revealing the others. Chan moved his eyes around the room, until it landed on Suri. He rushed to her, trying to pull her away from whatever was happening or was about to happen. "Suri let-" 

"Leave me alone. I'm so done with all of this, I can't handle it anymore. I really can't Chan, but I can't see him like that, I can't watch you hating him because of me. I don't want to go through all of this anymore. I- I just want to be happy and all I go through just breaks me more." 

"Babygirl, I know. Please just-" 

"Why am I always treated like this Chan. It hurts so much, I feel so scared all the time, I can't trust anyone anymore. Its so much for me, and all I'm asking for is a break. A break from all the drama, all the tears, all the- I just want-" She took a deep breath. It felt as if it wasn't even coming out of her lungs, it was so hard for her to speak or even do anything. It was really hard for her. 

"I just want to be happy again. I just want a break from all of this Chan. Please, I don't want to lose any of you. I love you all so much that it hurts me that I'm saying this right now, it hurts me that this is how things between us is." 

No one dared to say a word, no one dared to look her in the eyes. They all cried as much as she did, they were able to hear their hearts break as they watched her fall apart in front of them, they watched her shaking crazily between Chan's arms, as he tried to stop her or calm her down, but it wasn't even helping a little . 

"I just need a break, Chan." 

9th member; of Stray KidsWhere stories live. Discover now