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"How is she?" Chan watched as Suri sat beside Jeongin on the counter while Minho was trying so hard not to burn the kitchen, Suri had her head on Jeongin's shoulder, drifting off. 

"She's trying." Chan answered Johnny on the other side of the phone. "She's trying so hard to be fine, but she's not. Jisung not being around is not helping too, you know. We thought that if he stayed away from her that would be better, but she is still waiting for him to fix things with her. We didn't even tell her that we don't know where he is. Whenever she asks about him, we don't answer her and talk about something else." 

Johnny sighed, not knowing what to say or do anymore to make her feel better. He knew that he won't be able to fix the situation just like that, but it hurts him every single second knowing that she's that hurt because of Jisung. 

"Take care of her, and I'll come over soon." 

"Its okay, and don't worry about her, I'm going to make sure that nothing in the world will ever hurt her again." Chan hung up with Johnny, walking over to the others inside the kitchen. "What are you three doing?" He leaned on Suri's thighs, smiling at her. 

"Minho is trying to cook." Jeongin said and Seungmin who just entered the kitchen chuckled. 

"You mean he's trying to poison us." Suri and Jeongin giggled softly as Minho faked a gasp turning to glare at Seungmin, pointing a spatula at him. 

"How dare you?" Suri noticed eyes on her, so she turned to look at Chan who was smiling softly at her. 


"Hi." His smile grew wider as Suri smiled back at him. "How you doin'?" 

"Fuck off." Suri laughed as she pushed Chan away from her, but he only returned back, hugging her waist, resting his head on her chest. She wrapped her arms around his head playing with his hair. 

"Hey, me too." Jeongin pulled one of Suri's arms around him as he leaned on her and Chan. 

"This is so disrespectful." Minho joked and soon him and Seungmin were hugging the other three. 

"We love you know that?" Chan asked, hugging her tighter if it was even possible. "So much." 

"I love you all so much more." They hugged her, even though they knew she wasn't okay and she was just pretending because she didn't like how worried they were about her and how she felt that she was causing trouble for people around her, so she pretended that she was fine. 

They truly would do anything for this pretending to be over, anything for her to be happy again. They've already made her got through a lot. What used to happen between her and Hyunjin when they were just trainees, what happened with Minho, then how they all  handled the situation, now with what is going on with Jisung. She can't take a break from all this shit. 

It was heartbreaking for them, she was always there for all of them, but again they let her down, even though it wasn't even their fault, but they still didn't protect her the right way. 


Its been a week, a week since they heard anything from Jisung. They tried to call him or text him, but he didn't answer. It worried Chan and even if what Jisung did was unforgivable, he was still their friend and they cared for him. 

Back at Woojin's who wasn't any different from the others. As much as he was mad at Jisung, he still was more than worried about him. He had his phone on the table in front of him, waiting for Jisung to maybe answer the call. He sighed, giving up, grabbing his phone to hang up only for him notice that Jisung answered. 

"Han Jisung where are you? Running away is not the fucking answer. You should answer our-" 

"Open your front door." Woojin was confused for a moment only for him to get up quickly, running to the front door, surprised to see Jisung waiting outside. 

"What the fuck happened to you?" He looked even worst than Suri. He lost way too much wait, there was dark circles under his eyes, his hair and clothes were a mess, he was smelly and a strong alcoholic smell came out of him. "Come inside, you asshole." 

Jisung let out a sigh of relief, walking slowly inside the house, but Woojin pulled him quickly as he was about to sit on the couch. "Nope, no. Go take a shower." 

"Woojin I'm-" 

"Don't fucking Woojin me. Go take a shower." Woojin pushed the younger to the bathroom, closing the door behind him, walking to his closet to get him some clothes then he went downstairs to make him something to eat.  

"That fucking bastard. He has the heart to disappear for a fucking week then come back looking like a homeless man. I'm going to fucking kill him." Woojin talked to himself as he prepared food for Jisung while he took a shower. He stopped and sighed, shaking his head as he was preheating the pasta he made this day. "Han Stupid Jisung. Stupid." 

He heard voices coming from his bedroom, knowing that Jisung was done. A few moments later, the younger came out of the room, the shower definitely helped with the smell, and the greasy hair and the alcohol smell, but not with the dark circles, not with his tired face and weak body, or with the headache that he had for days now, and probably not with his broken heart, but who was he kidding, he deserved that. 

"Remember how mad I got after what Minho did-" 

"Jisung, we're not going to talk about anything now. Eat, sleep then we can talk." 

"Woojin I-" 

"Jisung can you just shut up and listen to what I'm saying." Woojin wasn't happy about how he was treating Jisung, but he was definitely worried about the younger man, he looked like he was about to die and as much as he was mad at him he still needed to take care of him. 

Jisung sat on the table looking at the plate in front of him, but didn't even pick the fork. Woojin rolled his eyes from his place, picking the fork himself, and stuffing food in Jisung mouth. 

"What are you? Five? Take the freaking fork and eat." Jisung sighed, nodding slowly, knowing that he came to the right place, and as much as he knew that Woojin wanted to kill him more than he wanted to kill himself, he knew that Woojin cared for him and would listen to him. 

9th member; of Stray KidsWhere stories live. Discover now