3: training

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Izuku is standing on the roof

'What's going on? Why am I here is this a dream' thinks izuku as he sees everything is a dull grey color and how all might shatters his dreams

He then sees himself jump but get save by his dad again and watches as the world slowly goes from a dull color to a cheerful type of color as if it's happy and he watches himself during that time while smiling and crying a little

RE- bang

The alarm clock started screeching and then was dropped by izuku when he hit it making it stop

Izuku groaned as he got out of bed and quietly got dressed when to the bathroom to brush his teeth and got some breakfast then left and ran toward the beach his dad told him to meet him at

When he got there he was out of breath and looked around, he was the figure of aizawa and his dad walking toward him

When they got to him his dad gave him a bottle of water and said to drink it

"Alright izuku this beach was a trash dump for a long time but we are here to fix that" said afo
"What do you mean? Am I going to clean the beach?" Asks izuku in wonder

"Yes because being a hero isn't just saving people and being famous it's also about community service and you will also get stronger while doing so" said afo as aizawa stared in amazement on what this villain said

He haven't heard someone say this for a long time and did not expect to hear this from a villain... the top one no less

"So how do I use my quirk" asks izuku
"Well you have to channel your imagination to your hand and fingers and try to imagine the power" says afo

Izuku makes an attempt in using his quirk but nothing happens and as he was about to be sad again thinking he is useless his dad interrupts

"Don't worry izu you will get it eventually it doesn't happen that quick and you will have to train day after day to get it right and even longer to steal or create quirks" says afo

Izuku clenched his fists as his eyes flare up in pure determination "I will try my best to become a better hero then all might himself"

Aizawa and afo smiled as he said that think of how of a great hero he will become in the future

"Alright then let's start cleaning this beach to get you stronger" says afo "YEAH" says izuku

And so izukus training hell started

After around 2 hours of cleaning up trash and picking up heavy things izuku takes his backpack and waves goodbye to aizawa and afo as they all go their separate ways

Izuku is happily walking to school and he couldn't wait for after schools training not aware of the chaos happening in the yagi household

Izumi and her parents are running around looking for izuku thinking of the worse and started calling pro hero's to help them find izuku

When they called aizawa they were surprised to hear that he had taken izuku under his wing to help him become a hero saying he has more potential then all might and hearing him say anyone has potential is like finding a diamond growing on a tree

Izumi was walking to school remembering what happened yesterday and regretting how she treated him all these years and was determined to apologize

To bad izuku ignored her the whole day and ran away every time she went near him and once even yeeted bakugo over his shoulder then bakugo tried to stop him shocking everyone

That was basically how the whole school day went by

After school izumi tried to find izuku and talk to him but that mf ran off somewhere and was no where to be seen, he has ran off to the beach to clean it more and train his quirk

During his run there he tried using his quirk but failed. When he got to the beach he once again saw aizawa and afo standing there waiting for him

"How about this time we have around 1 or 2 hours of cleaning and an hour or half of meditation to help you clean your mind and help with your quirk development" asked afo

"Sounds like a plan" says izuku as he goes on and continues to haul the trash around to clean it out and after that he went meditating with his dad and aizawa joined in just because he thinks it helps you sleep better

Meanwhile Izumi, bakugo, and shota were walking home to the yagi household thinking about what they have done in the last few years

Non of them though izuku would actually try and throw his life away and were feeling guilty especially shota who liked him and didn't do much to hurt him

"I can't believe the nerd would actually do that" says bakugo in an angry voice "good thing eraserhead was there and saved him otherwise he would be dead" said shota in a sad tone

Both Izumi and bakugo knew she had a thing for izuku but never mentioned it

When they were nearing home they saw izuku walk inside and followed him into the house. Izuku saw them and frowned. Then left upstairs

Inko watched this happen heartbroken because she loved her son more then anything in the world and seeing him like this just broke her heart

When she saw the others she invited them over for dinner and they ate quietly without a word wondering why izuku didn't come down to eat

Inko took izukus plate and went upstairs to give it to him as the kids watched in sadness

Izumi spoke up "damn what are we going to do izuku ignores us all the time and we can't even apologize now and mom is getting sadder by the day. Why did we have to bully him this way"

Everyone felt guilty once again and since bakugo and shota were planning to have a sleepover they can at least try and invite izuku which they did but he didn't even open the door and just ate his food silently

"Izuku, we are sorry for what we did all these years. What we did was wrong please allow us to apologize and prove that we can become better friends for you please" begged Izumi yet all izuku did was just listen and not care about what they had to say

For all he though it could be so that they can earn his trust and back stab him even more

Now he had his dad and even though he was a villain, he loved his son and supported his dreams no matter what they are as long as he stays on the good side and izuku hopes that his dad can some day be brought to the light and not have to worry about being hunted by hero's again and stay with izuku more

Izuku put his plate on the table and flopped on the bed falling asleep

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