4: UA entrance exams

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Izuku woke up early again and went down stairs to continue his daily routine of brushing his teeth, trying and failing at taming his hair, and when he went to eat breakfast he was met with sleeping bags which contained Izumi, bakugo, and shota

"Dammit" cursed izuku under his breath as he stepped over the sleeping bags and went to get some water and a banana

He was about to leave when he heard someone walk behind him and saw Izumi
"Izuku? Where are you going this early" she asks as she walks up to him

"I'm going somewhere" he reply's while sweating and when he try's to walk out he realizes that Izumi is holding him using her telekinesis "no your not going anywhere until you explain your self"

"Or what your gonna beat me to the ground again" he asks with venom in his voice. This caught Izumi off guard as she released him and realized her mistake as he went running out of her sight

"What happened here" ask a sleepy bakugo and shota as they approach the door to see izumi standing there with wide eyes

"Izuku ran off again" she says. "Then let's follow the nerd" says bakugo as they get dressed and try to find him

They somehow manage to find him running toward the beach and hide behind the wall to see what he is going to do

He approaches 2 figures which the kids recognized as aizawa the underground hero and another guy that was as tall as toshi but had greyish hair that looked like izukus and freckles which also looked like izukus

They still didn't piece it together though and thought it was a coincidence and rolled with it and listened in to their conversation

"Ah izuku there you are how are today?" Asks the man "I'm doing good dad how are you" says izuku

This caught everyone by surprise, they all know that izukus dad left when he was little and hated him but why was izuku so friendly with him? They will find out soon

"So today we are doing one hour of cleaning and an hour of meditation to increase your senses and possibly allow you to activate your quirk" says the sleepy hero

This also catches everyone by surprise. How did the quirkless kid have a quirk all of a sudden unless he was hiding it all the time

They watched him clean the beach and meditate with the two men and izuku tried to activate his quirk but failed once again

"Dammit it never works, maybe you were wrong and i am quirkless, doesn't mean it will stop me from going to UA" says izuku with determination

"No, you have a quirk I can feel it, literally, you just need a push but I don't know what it can be that will unleash this power of yours" says izukus dad

"Yeah I maybe I will be able to use it eventually" says izuku

Aizawa stands up and says "today is the Ua entrance exam you better not fail because you the only person that I've seen that has potential in a long time" "I will try my best and will get in" says izuku

Aizawa smiles and he hands izuku his bag and they start heading to UA

At the entrance both of the men left izuku to go on by himself while aizawa went to the teachers room and afo went his way thinking about something important that is to happen soon (try guessing what it's going to be)

Izumi, bakugo, and shota run up to the gate and follow izuku from behind

Izuku steps on a crack and starts to fall, Izumi was about to catch him when izuku starts floating and then a bubbly girl with a round face speaks up to him "sorry for using my quirk on you without asking, I just though falling before the exam would be bad luck"

Izuku started in awe about both how beautiful the girl looked like and how awesome her quirk is and before he can reply she says good luck on the exam and walks away toward the entrance

Shota is now jealous of the girl while izuku may or may not have a new crush

AFO was on the roof watching the whole thing unfold and thought to himself 'I would like some grand babies, the more the merrier'

Izuku took a seat in the exam hall and was placed right next to izumi shota and bakugo because of their ID number and just ignored them mumbling about how present mic was a great hero and how awesome his quirk is

"And that concludes the practical exam everyone" finished mic. "Excuse me sir" says a blue haired kid "yes listener"

"It says here that there are 4 types of robots but you told us about 3 is this a mistake" asks the kid "well you see the 4th robot is worth 0 points and is not recommended to fight since he is basically undefeated" explains mic

"Thank you sir and you with the green hair" said the kid "stop mumbling it's distracting"
Izuku starts apologizing and sinks deeper into his seat

They then walk to the buses that will take them to their exam areas where they would group up waiting for the doors to open starting the exam

Izuku saw the nice girl from before and wanted to say thank you but was stopped by the blue haired kid that said "are you trying to distract the examines so you can get extra points? That's rude"

Izuku was about to reply when mic screamed " and start what do you think there is a countdown in a real battle?"

Izuku ran forward and was intercepted by a one pointed and he got scared because he still didn't know how to use his quirk so he was still useless

Then a beam of light crashed through the robot destroying it as a very fancy boi was monologuing and then ran away to destroy more robots

As izuku goes to the main square he sees a lot of broken robots and other people breaking them including the blue haired kid and the girl that saved him some time ago

Izuku saw a robot and took a rock and he jumped up to the robot and hit it with all his might smashing the head in destroying the 3 pointer

He does that until he has 10 points when he hears a massive vibration which ends up being the zero pointer. He falls down and stares at it in horror and looked as people around him run away and was about to run away as well when he heard a cry for help from behind him

He looked back and saw the girl from earlier stuck underneath a rock that is holding her leg down as she try's to get up

Before he realizes what's going on izuku is running toward her and all of a sudden he feels something new, he feels power.

A few meters in front of the zero pointer he bends down and jumps up to the head and extends his hands as black and green tentacles erupt from his fingers staving through the robots head cutting it off clean

He stares at his hands in awe finally happy for being able to use his quirk and then he realized 'what now' he thinks as he starts gaining speed falling to the floor as his tentacles retract back into his hands

"AHHHHHHHH!" He screams in terror as he waits for impact, but all he feels is a slap in the face and then he's floating above ground and looks up to see the girl vomiting because of quirk overuse

He also realizes that his legs are broken and his hands are feel really weak and he can't move them and thinks about his small amount of 10 points "just a few more points dammit" he mumbles just to hear present mics voice say "TIMES UP"

And then everything goes black

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