19: after the sport festival

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Finally the sports festival arc is over and we can continue onto the next couple arcs



*floof* goes the bed as izuku falls onto it tired from the sports festival. 'Maybe I should go celebrate my victory somewhere' he thinks

"Seems like someone's tired XD" says all for one looking at izuku. "Yup, winning felt nice though might do it again sometime, got to scare all might again" he says with a bored tone

"Ha that blonde idiot isn't exactly strong to be honest" says all for one forgetting he used to be a potato head because of all might

"Yeah". All for one walks away to make some food for them to eat. It's been some time since izuku ran away from inkos and all might home and gone to live with his true dad

He enjoyed this place more then his first home since he actually felt loved here.

*ring, ring*

It seems like izukus phone is ringing... wonder who that can be.

Izuku picks up the phone and accepts the call, "hello izuku" he hears inko say from the other side. "Hello mom, do you need something" he answers

"Well first I wanted to congratulate you in winning the sport festival, I'm so proud of you. And second, would you like to come over and celebrate?" She asks

"Sure why not" answers izuku. No one knows where izuku went to live when he ran away but they can still call him and ask him stuff. They even tried to follow him once but izuku is to good because of the sneak skills aizawa taught him

"Hey dad, I will go over to moms house for a celebration party" says izuku. All for one frowns "alright just stay safe and make sure not to kill bakugo because recovery girl is on break" he jokes

Izuku laughs but he also noticed that frown at first. "Dad, you don't you go see mom with me" he asks curiously, "well, I don't wanna. Like what will she say if she found out that I'm the number one villain? Also she's happy right now so I don't wanna make there sad" he reply's

Dang he's more wholesome then all might


"I see, well I'm going to get going for now then I will be back before dinner so don't worry about me" says izuku leaving the house

Izuku can now be seen walking down the road to all mights and inkos house.


Suddenly izuku hears a wild cat, he wants

He search's for the cat and finds it in an alley way, it was injured and looked like it was starving. "I'm keeping you" he says as he starts to walk toward his old house thinking of names to give to the cat and maybe if he should let aizawa play with it

Before he knew it, he's at the door step to all mights house. *sigh* he breaths out already getting annoyed as he rings the doorbell

He hears the locks being unlocked as the door opens and inko can be seen in a apron and holding a wooden spoon

"Come in izuku dear" says inko smiling so bright izukus eyes go poof

Izuku follows inko into the house and was greeted by Izumi with all might, shota, and bakugo

They all greet him and shota and Izumi follow inko back to the living room as bakugo and all might stays with izuku

They stand there awkwardly when bakugo says "just because you won doesn't mean I won't beat you and become the number one hero deku"

Izuku is now 10 times more scarier then stain. "God has mercy, I don't" he says scaring the fuck out of both all might and bakugo who slowly turn around and walk toward the livening room as well

They walk into the room with Izumi and shota watching TV as inko is making some food. 'Something smells good... is that katsudon?!' He thinks

'Did they really think they can make some katsudon and try to get me to come back home because of it?' He thinks

He was wrong. Inko felt bad for not being a good mom and is very guilty because of this and she wants to make him feel good and promised herself to make katsudo whenever he comes by yet she trusts his opinion and would be happy as long as izuku is happy

Izuku sits down on the couch as all mights goes to help inko and as bakugo watches TV with the girls

'Well this is awkward and boring. Could the author make something better?' Izuku thinks

Thank you izuku your review was very helpful

"Izuku, when you were fighting bakugo it looked like you used different quirks... does it mean you have 2 quirks like me?" Asks shota curious about the boy

"No, my quirk is very complicated and I still don't know how to use it correctly yet, all I know is that I have the power to take and give quirks like all for one but also create them" answers izuku

Bakugo, Izumi and shota stare in shock, they knew that there were a lot of bizarre quirks out there but the power to create these quirks was unheard of

"Dang so I don't stand a chance against you" mumbles bakugo under his breath, "hmm, can you repeat that kacchan?" Asks izuku with a smug smiles completely hearing what he said

"So you finally realized you can't win huh" asks Izumi who also heard this

"S-SHUT UP" says a calm bakugo "wow I never expected the all mighty bakugo, the future number one hero, to accept defeat" mocks izuku

Everyone other then a red faced bakugo were laughing which confused the 2 adults

"Lunch is ready" says inko after some more minutes. "Ok" the kids says as they go to eat and enjoy some katsudon

"Hey all might, wanna have a training battle between me and you?" Asks izuku. "U-umm I don't Think it's a good time yet, I mean you don't have experience" he says

"Looks like someone's chickening out?" Says izuku smugly.

They now started having an argument with the others and inko watching this. Inko was getting annoyed

"SHUT UP" she yells, "CANT WE JUST HAVE A PEACEFUL LUNCH" she continues with a menacing voice

Everyone is scared. If there is anything for powerful then all might, all for one, and izuku combined... then it's inko

She sits down and everyone quietly continues their lunch. "Actually I would like to see whose stronger between toshi and izuku" says inko

All might could not say no to her so he just had to accept his fate

And that's it for today. Sorry if the chapter was a little boring XD

See y'all next chapter

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