9: USJ continued

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Izuku looked at the hell in front of him. He was wondering if that's what his father meant by "be careful"

He looked as aizawa jumped in and started beating the villains like they were nothing. Izuku was amazed by his teachers power but was brought back to reality because the warp gate villain started to fly over to the students near the door again

Aizawa cursed under his breath as he continued fighting the villains and thinks "these villains aren't that strong, the main ones are probably the mist villain, the blue haired one, and that thing doesn't even look human"

Izuku saw kurogiri het bear and told iida to run get some teachers to help with the fight. As iida began to run, kurogiri chased him only to be stopped by thirteen who used her quirk black hole

Izuku smiles and think 'ha thirteen will beat kurogiri and iida will escape'. But izuku said that a little to quick since kurogiri made a portal behind and in front of thirteen causing her to hurt herself

The students stared in horror as thirteen falls to the ground unconscious and kurogiri starts attacking iida who is trying to open the door

He gets close until... BOOM.... Bakugo flys over and grabs the metal part of kurogiri and blows him away as iida manages to escape

Kurogiri returns to shigaraki. "Thirteen is down but a kid was able to get out of the facility" says kurogiri as tomura starts to violently scratch his neck

"If you weren't our warp gate out of here I would have destroyed you" he yells and he thinks of another plan. "We lost time to go home, but before we do so, let's kill a few kids" says shigaraki as he jumps toward the water about to grab tsu

-a few minutes earlier-

Izumi, tsu, and mineta fall down into a ship in the water area

"Dang we are gonna die" says mineta in a scared tone as he thinks 'at least I go with 2 hot chicks'

Izumi looks over the edge seeing that the villains are waiting. "I think they don't know our abilities since I'm here and my weakness is not water" says tsu as Izumi nods

"They send us around randomly claiming to be able to kill all might" reply's Izumi as a wave of water hits the boat making it start sinking

Izumi quickly thinks of a plan and tell the rest of the team (rest goes as anime lol)

Now they are near the center watching tomura monologuing. The next thing they know is that he if going toward them at a high speed and grabs tsu by the head...

But nothing happens, "nomu, take down erasurehead" says tomura forgetting the underground hero (totally not the author forgetting about him)

As the nomu crushes aizawa, Izumi aims a punch to shigaraki but shigaraki dodges and goes to kurogiri

"Oh well guess we have to leave now before the hero's get here" he says as he turns around. But... he stopped when he hears a bang coming from the door

And there stands all might in all his glory (didn't want to write 'standing in all his might' cuz cringe)

All might looks at the chaos without a smile but a frown, he charges in and knocks out the villains in the way as he saves Aizawa and the 3 near the center (should have left mineta)

He looks at the villains and says. "You think you can just come here and hurt my colleagues and students? You will not get out of here"

"I guess we are not going back afterwards" says shigaraki with a evil grin as the students warn all might about the nomu

'All might is here, everything will be fine right?' Thinks izuku and Izumi but they were unaware of the authors plan of making all might suffer cuz why not

"Nomu, kill him" says shigaraki with an evil smile as he points at all might, the nomu attack all might hitting him straight in the stomach where his injury is

All might reply's by fighting back as shigaraki monologues about the nomus quirks being shock absorbing and hyper regen

All might thinks to himself 'if I get him stuck I can get an opening to end him'. As he is about to make a German surplex (learned from memes) he doesn't see kurogiri activating his quirk

BOOM goes the USJ as all might smashes the nomu with all his might (no homo). The students smile but that soon turns to faces of horror as all might is seen being pinned by the nomu and the nomu squeezing his stomach causing bleeding

"I told you, the nomu is to strong for you, this is your end all might" says shigaraki as he laughs uncontrollably. BOOM, goes bakugo as he hits kurogiri and as shota freezes the nomu allowing all might to escape

"Dang it nomu kill them already" says shigaraki as the nomu jumps up again but because of the ice it's leg and hand fall off

But it regenerated and attacks again, this time aiming for bakugo but is stopped by all might who gets punched into the wall as bakugo is now seen near shota and izuku and Izumi who ran toward the center invade of any help needed

All might thinks to himself 'I don't have much time left in this form' as he goes in and launches a barrage of punches toward the nomu and air pressure from their punches prevent kurogiri to do anything

"PLUS ULTRA" yells all might as he punches the villain out of the USJ and smiles breathing heavily as shigaraki scratches his neck again

"You lose villains, give up" says all might even though he is not able to move or his form will be revealed

Shigaraki was about to retreat but he saw how all might was looking beat and was about to attack him himself when he was stopped by kurogiri

"Don't worry young master, I can bring the nomu back" he says as he opens a portal and the nomu comes in

All might states in disbelief as the nomu is back again and he knows this is the end for him basically

The nomu charges all might who doesn't resist since he can't, all might is launched into the wall near the students and holds his form for 3 more seconds before deflating much to the students horror ( wanted to add this cuz the fighting scene seemed boring)

Shigaraki starts laughing as he looks at all might and says "this is the number one hero, pathetic, time for you to die" and as he finishes the nomu attacks all might...

'NO FATHER' Izumi thinks with tears

'A-ALL MIGHT' think shota and bakugo

'REEEEEEEEE' thinks izuku


The next thing that happens is izuku appears in front of the nomu and in front of all might as he extends this hands and black and green tentacles erect from his hands and stab the nomu

The nomu screams as izuku looks like he is suffering great pain as shigarakis eyes widen same as all mights both thinking the same thing

'A-all for one?'

As the nomus screams die out, izuku falls to the ground as the tentacles retract back to his hand as shigaraki yells curses

He was about to launch at them when the hero's came in and snipe snipes shigaraki. "D-dang it" says shigaraki as he is being teleported by kurogiri, "this aight over" he finishes

Everyone is relieved but are still worried for their classmate and teachers remember all might being deflated

As the hero's evacuate everyone all might starts thinking of recent events, izuku showing all for one traits and his secret being revealed

That's tuff

He has a lot of explaining to do when they get back

Fun facts shared by gamerpro_p

Did you know that I based this story off my own dreams?

Well I did XD

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