8: USJ

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'What the fuck have I done' thinks a terrified bakugo as he stares at the smoke he just caused with shock and horror regretting his action

The smoke was very thick and everyone in the watch room stared at the screen in horror and some girls even had their hands covering their mouths as they looked through tears

All might rushed out of the room to the building to get izuku to recover girls room as everyone kept staring at the screen afraid of what they will see when the smoke clears.

After what seems to be hours of waiting all might arrives at the area and claps his hands getting rid of the smoke and what they saw shocked everyone.

Bakugo was standing there with horror and regret on his face looking in izukus direction and when everyone looked their they wished they didn't

Izuku was on the floor, his whole body was covered in 2th and 3th degree burns and his hands over his face protecting it. All might picked him up carefully and jumped out to recover girls room.

Everyone recovered from their shock and rushed outside to the building and entered to look for uraraka and iida and saw them all with shocked faces.

Bakugo starts tearing up and starts mumbling about how stupid he is and how he should have not done that as kirishima try's to calm him down and momo helps iida and uraraka down the broken stairs.

After everyone else is safe, they walk back to the classroom all being quiet and waiting for midoriya to return. Izumi would just sit there with bakugo and shota thinking about what happened.

Meanwhile in RG office:

Izuku was recovering and recovery girl was doing her job well but izuku didn't have much stamina so he would need to stay the night or 2. Until, his body started healing on its own and at a fast rate.

It seems that he has created a new quirk which will later be know as hyper regeneration which is basically RG's quirk except it only heals him and uses a lot less stamina.

RG stares in awe at the new power as she calls for all might who is in him skinny mode. "What is it recovery girl?" Asks all might as he enters the room and looks at recovery girl for answers

"It seems like izuku has more then one quirk because he is currently healing himself" she reply's pointing at izukus slowly healing body as all might looks at it with wide eyes and mouth open

"B-but how is this p-possible?" Asks all might unaware that izuku has a stronger version of AFO. "Well I don't know but all I can tell you is that his body can hold more then 2 quirks but they also keep coming out of no where, I look tests before and it said he had 2 quirks, I though the second one was the healing quirk we see right now but after another test there are now 3 quirks" she says

"Maybe that third quirk is actually making quirks" wonders all might as RG nods. "But then where did this quirk come from?" They both wonder as izuku starts to stir up from his coma.

"What happened? Is everyone ok?" Was the first thing he said with earned him a deadpan look from the two. RG hits him with her crane again while all might (he turned buff form cuz he still doesn't want izuku to know his identity and doesn't know that izuku is to smart)

"YOUNG YAGI, YOU WERE BLASTED BY YOUNG BAKUGOS GEAR AND WERE HOSPITALIZED" booms all might with a worried look on his face.

Izuku knew that Bakugo probably did it because izuku won and he knew that Bakugo was actually trying to become a better person so him being him didn't want to get Bakugo in trouble but was kind of annoyed his dad didn't trust him yet so he wanted to make that clear first >:D

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