Part 27: school again

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Getting like no motivation to write but ima still try my bois.

Izuku wakes up in his hospital bed, this is the last day he will spend in the hospital before returning back to his dads place and back to school

The doctors did their last check ups to see if everything is fine and to finally write him out of the hospital

He and iida are now walking home to izukus house since izuku invited iida.

"I wonder what everyone else will think if they found out we actually defeated stain..." says iida

"They will probably be very surprised unless they expect us to do things like that" says izuku as they both laugh

They walk for like 5 more minutes before reaching izukus house. He opens the door to the house and they walk in.

Iida feels a bit... uneasy, as if something menacing (KONNO DIO DA) around the area

"Welcome back izuku, whose this? A friend" asks a tall man coming out of the kitchen wiping his hands on a paper towel.

"Yeah this is tenya iida, a classmate from UA" says izuku as iida bows down

"Well then iida mind joining us for dinner" asked all for one in a friendly voice as he smiled at iida

"Sure, I'm getting hungry as well" iida smiles Back. "Izuku didn't really have friends over before, your actually the first friend to actually come over so far" laughs AFO

Izuku rolls his eyes as he digs into his rice. They all eat and have small talk about things like what happened in school and how they felt after all the things that happened not to long ago

After like an hour of talking and laughing iida had to go home since it was also getting late

——— time skip brought to u by... KICHEN GUN BANG BANG BANG——

Izuku and iida met up at school gates the next morning, they greet each other and like always, wait for ochako

Ochako came shortly after running up to them and hugging them both tightly (ÒwÓ)

"Finally you two are back, everyone was worried" said ochako and iida smiled and thanked her in his usual robot serious mode

Izuku in the other hand, was bright red from embarrassment. His crush just hugged him (something the people reading this will never experience)

It took ochako only 2 seconds of hug to realize what she's doing. She becomes red from embarrassment and stops hugging them both

"S-so uh h-how did you sleep" she asks (don't ask its 12 am idk what the fuck I'm writing)

"Yes" says izuku with a red face as they peacefully walk to class without more words with iida being like 'what the fuck did I just witness'

They take their seats and wait for aizawa to come to class so they can start.

"Hmm, aizawa is 10 minutes late, I know he likes to sleep but he's never late to class and takes his responsibilities seriously" says Izumi With nods if agreement coming from the rest of the class.

After another 2 minutes the doors finally open but instead of aizawa it was actually all for one who comes in.

"Sorry for being late, all aizawa had some work to do" he says barely holding in a laugh

"What did you do this time?" Asks izuku interested in what his dad did this time to all might

Before he can even say anything midnight comes in and says "he merged all might into a wall with a quirk, I hope he can undo the process though"

"He'll be fine it's temporary" he says laughing. "Oh in that case good prank" says midnight laughing as well while the class sit there awkwardly while izuku try's to hold in a laugh

"I'll be teaching the class today" says midnight as she pulls out a math textbook from aizawas desk

"Everyone turn to page 420" and do questions 1-20" she says as everyone groans in pain

It's quite for a few minutes and then all for one whispers something to midnight. "If I know aizawa well, and I do know him well, in this desk he should be hiding some goodies"

He opens a drawer and takes a look realizing the bottom of the drawer is removable, he opens it and to midnights surprise, aizawa was keeping 3 full bottles of vodka in his desk this whole time

Both teacher being responsible and mature... drink some of the vodka.

Around half an hour later of work and reading the class is finally dismissed to go to the next period which was finally though by all might

The class sits down wondering is all for ones quirk expired already and if all might is fine now

After 5 minutes into class all might finally comes in looking tired and done with all for ones bullshit

He sits down and says "I think you guys already know what happen so I'm going to save the time by explaining what we will be doing this class"

"Soon we will have final exams, written and of course a physical one" he continues

"What do you mean physical" asks shouta. "Meaning we will give you a test only the hero course can do" he answers

"For the next 2 weeks you will have off to prep for the tests and to recover from the stain attacks" he continues

That was all for the morning announcement, they continued their normal class like usual for that day, math was annoying and boring like always, English was the same, only period that felt different was lunch.


"That concludes your day for today, finally" says aizawa as he leaves the room and everyone gets ready to also leave

They exit the school and break up into their casual groups, ochako, izuku, and iida were together like always walking home together talking about the break they were given

"Izuku, would you like to train with me over this break" asks ochako hoping for some alone time with him if ya know what I mean

"That's a great idea, maybe iida can join us as well :D" answers izuku oblivious to ochako true intentions

"That'll be a great idea, I would love to join you two" says iida smiling as ochako scowls for a split second before smiling again

They talk for a bit more and go their own ways saying their goodbyes

Sorry for the haitus I just have a lot of work and I'm super lazy. Hope y'all staying safe and having fun

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