Chapter 3: Surprises for Y/N! A new adventure awaits

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Your eyes opened in shock and surprise. "What?! You can't be serious!!! Your taking me off of the Galactic Patrol?!" You Yelled At Jaco in surprise.

You were currently on a small island on Earth with Jaco, his friend Omori who was an old man, a blonde girl called Tights and a blue haired teenage girl called Bulma.

Jaco nodded solemnly. "Your last mission on Yardrat was terrible. You didn't listen to my order to not confront the Ginyu Force yet you did so anyway. You almost died Y/N. You always do." 

You frowned gritting your teeth. "If I didn't confront the Ginyu Force then that little Yardatian boy would have been dead meat! You always say how the Galactic Patrol risks their lives for the safety of the galaxy. That's what I've been doing for 12 years!" 

Jaco sighed. "Listen Y/N. This isn't ideal but it has to be done. You won't be suspended forever. Maybe give or take a few years." Explained Jaco.

You facepalmed at what you were hearing. This couldn't be serious. "THEN WHAT THE HELL AM I SUPPOSED TO DO NOW?! STAY ON THIS DIRT BALL OF A PLANET DOING  NOTHING FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE?!" You shouted, angrily throwing a Ki blast. It hit a mountain making it explode leaving Omori, Tights and Bulma in shock.

"What is this kid?" Thought Bulma as she looked at you in awe.

"No. Not necessarily. Maybe you can help little old Bulma here." Said Jaco. Bulma took out two small orange orbs with stars on them. "These are Dragon Balls." She Explained. "There are 7 of them in total and if all of them are brought together then the Dragon God Shenron appears to grant you any one wish you desire." 

"If your asking me to help you collect the testicles of some dragon then you've been surely mistaken. I'm not giving up travelling the galaxy to go on some silly journey with a girl!" You protested.

Jaco chuckled. "I knew you would say that which is why I saved this last bit of information out. Years back I came to Earth to intercept a saiyan attack pod that was coming here. I never found it but I have a feeling that the saiyan is still on Earth. Maybe if you travel the world here with Bulma then you could find this stray saiyan."


Y/N sat in a car next to Bulma who was driving. They were currently driving on a mountain range and the car was filled with an awkward silence. Bulma felt uncomfortable with this and tried to spark a conversation.

"Soooooo. Y/N right? You're an alien?" She Asked. "Yeah. I'm a Saiyan. A warrior race that took over planets and killed anyone that lived on them. We were a bunch of ruthless motherfuckers.  But some lipstick wearing alien tyrant wiped out my entire race. So I joined the Galactic Patrol and began to help people instead of kill them."

"Oh." Whispered Bulma. "I'm sorry to hear that." She placed her hand on yours. You sighed. "It's whatever. So what are you gonna wish for when we collect these balls." You asked slightly curious.

Bulma giggled cutely. "Well I was gonna wish for a lifetime supply of strawberries but then I wanted to wish for the perfect boyfriend...But maybe you can fill that role?" Flirted Bulma.

"What's a boyfriend? Don't you mean a friend which is a boy?" You asked genuinely confused.

Bulma laughed again and shook her head. "Forget it." She looked down at the dragon radar. "We're close to the four star ball."


"Big fish! Big fish! I got a big fish! I'm gonna put you in my tummy! And your gonna be yummy!"

A small black haired child sang this song as he carried a giant fish over his shoulder. The boy seemed happy with his catch and strolled down the forest path. This monkey tailed boy was Son Goku.

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