Chapter 13: Goku's Sticky Situation And Krillin Vs Jackie Chun!

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Last Time on Dragon Ball X Male Reader: Mystical Adventure Y/N, Krillin and Goku arrived at the World Tournament after receiving 1 year of gruelling training by Master Roshi. The trio were easily able to pass the Preliminary stage and had advanced to the Championship matches alongside Yamcha. After winning his match against Nam Y/N now moves on to the Semi-Finals. But before the Semi-Finals begin Goku must go toe to toe with a creature known as Giran who possesses a very strange ability. While Krillin faces Jackie Chun in the first Semi-Final match of the Championship Matches.

Chapter 13: Goku's Sticky Situation And Krillin Vs Jackie Chun!

"Welcome back everyone to the 21st Tenkaichi Budokai! So far we've had quite the interesting tournament now haven't we?" The announcer yelled out to the crowd as he stood on the stage with the audience cheering him on. The blonde haired man wearing shades grinned and gestured to the tournament bracket displayed on a wall next to him, the winners of their matches had black lines drawn over their names going upwards to illustrate their elevation in the tournament ranking. "Time to give you all a quick recap of the tournament so far! In Battle #1 we had the stinking mammoth of a man Bacterian go up against Krillin which ended with Krillin defeating Bacterian! Then in battle #2 Yamcha and Jackie Chun were pit against eachother resulting in an easy win for Jackie Chun! And finally in Battle #3 we had Y/N Vs Nam which was a very intense and heated fight but luckily Y/N pulled through with an attack he dubbed the Ki Gun! But now it's time for the final match before the Semi-Finals with Goku and Giran going against eachother!"

 "Time to give you all a quick recap of the tournament so far! In Battle #1 we had the stinking mammoth of a man Bacterian go up against Krillin which ended with Krillin defeating Bacterian! Then in battle #2 Yamcha and Jackie Chun were pit agains...

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As the crowd carried on with their deafening cheers Bulma and the others who were watching just at the front of the audience so they could see the fights up close began to discuss Goku's upcoming fight. "Oh yeah! It's finally Goku's turn, I can't wait to see him in a fight again." Oolong enthused. "I wonder what kind of a fighter Giran will be." Bulma muttered to herself. Suddenly the sounds of stamping and growling could be heard backstage and thus Giran stepped out, a creature that resembled a dinosaur with wings roared out to the audience confidently. 

"W-Wow that's a real monster!" Oolong Said with a bit of fear within his tone, "But Wait a second where's Goku?!" Bulma said confused. The announcer looked around to see that Goku was no where to be found even though his opponent was ready to rumble. "Huh?! Son Goku? Please come out Son Goku!" Yelled the announcer still looking around for Goku. Giran the monster chuckled and boasted that he was probably too afraid to face him. "But he was here during Battle #2." Yamcha said worried looking around as well for him, "Goku!!! Where are you?!" Krillin called out as well running around to find his friend. 

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