Chapter 6

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Peyton decided he wanted to drive to my Dad's place, and I let him. Who knew if I would turn around before reaching the main road? Our conversation replayed in my head during the drive there.


"Peyton," I knocked on his door, "Could you come out for a sec?"

I stepped back quickly when Blake reached for me having more of a vantage point from his dad's arms.

"What's up?" There was a soft smile on his face, and I wanted to back out of telling him.

"Outside?" I asked looking at Blake warily. It had been a while since I had taken my suppressors.

"Sure." He walked out with Blake, and I groaned internally.

Out on the porch, I told him about Dove's insinuation, and how Chris had acted on it. His smile turned into a frown not liking that idea at all. I didn't either.

"We know Dove is strongly against the both of us because of our time at that correctional hospital, but her fear is growing if she's involving your sister's boyfriend." Peyton thought for a while as Blake settled in his arms closing his eyes.

"What do you think of Chris?" He asked.

"He and his friends are close with Chelsea and Maya. They all care for each other a lot. And, they know how to fight. All four of them against the two of us in hand to hand combat would probably be difficult, if we weren't planning on killing them. Overall the six of them are a tight knit group. That much is proven since Chris showed up. My concern is how far will Dove go."

"You have a point there," Peyton sighed. "Atla, what do you want to do?"

"I don't know. Monitor them I guess. Going to the lunch isn't a problem, I think."

"I agree. Let me know what their names are, and I'll ask Nicky what she can find."

I crossed my arms leaning back. "Are you sure you want her to do this for us?"

"Yes. She wants to be in the loop and besides, this concerns all of our safety." Peyton stroked Blake's head affectionately.



I was roused from my thoughts as Nicky touched my shoulder from behind. "Atla, are you okay?"

"Fine thanks, Nicky. There's just a lot on my mind." I patted her hand gently trying to reassure her.

"What is your Father like?"

"My father? He's tall with gruff personality, but he's nice. I think you'll like him, and he'll like you."

"That's a relief," Nicky sighed, but our conversation was cut short when Peyton turned into the driveway and Dove was waiting outside with Father. The look on my Father's face was stormy. I reached for the gun under my seat, but Peyton shook his hand, too low for them to notice. I gritted my teeth leaving the gun where it was.

I stepped out of the car, closing the door firmly. I opened the door for Nicky, so she could unbuckle Blake. I didn't take my eyes off of Father, noticing the shocked expression on Dove's face in my peripheral. Peyton took Nicky's left side, and I took her right. Peyton made conversation first when we were in front of them.

"Mr. Rollins, it's good to see you again." He extended his right hand.

"Peyton Lennon, it is good to see you. Who might this young woman be?" Father took his hand shaking it twice.

"This is Nicky. She's my wife, and this is my son Blake." Blake reached for Peyton when he heard his name.

"Hello, Mr. Rollins."

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