Chapter 17

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Fog billowed in clouds as I exhaled, fingers slightly stiff.

My twentieth morning of fun with no one up at this ungodly hour: the way I liked it. Target practice was successful, the gnawing subdued, so I retrieved my bolts, walking around afterwards. I shouldered my bow covering it with my large jacket, memorizing streets, locations, anything useful to put down later.

Wind howled past me, stinging my ears. I drew the drawstrings tighter, hoping to stave off some of the wind. Shortly, my rounds were done, and just in time as the sky turned from indigo black to indigo.

Time to head back.

Snow fell, floating slowly. I held out my palm, watching it disappear when it came in contact with my skin.

I hope Blake gets to enjoy the snow.

The snow picked up, wind pushing me forward, and I moved with it, getting to the base as soon as possible. I had to be more careful as cars filled the streets because they wouldn't see me. Finally, I turned down our street, the house within sight. Christmas lights decorated the neighbouring houses, illuminating a pathway to the darkest house on the street. Jogging the last few metres, I stamped my feet, unlocking the door.

Stepping inside, warm air thawed my cold cheeks. I made sure to close the door and lock it before removing my jacket, which I tossed onto the back of the table chair. Removing my boots and crossbow, I poured a mug of warm water before getting started on breakfast. Hushed breathing from my couch snatched my attention.

I left the fire on, water to boil, and walked over to see who slept on my couch. Nathaniel inhaled and exhaled rhythmically, but I couldn't help but feel that he was awake. Pinching his nose, I waited for him to react.

A few seconds passed before his eyes flew open, hand aiming for my throat. I caught his hand, releasing him.

"Get out of my bed," I ordered flinging his hand down. It smacked the floor, and stepping over it, I returned to the kitchen.

Nathaniel groaned. "You couldn't have woken me up nicely?"

"I did."

"Yeah for you I suppose that is nice," he muttered, but I caught it.

A table chair scraped the floor as he sat, cracking his bones. "What's for breakfast?"

"Boiled eggs, bread and Chris' sliced meat," I answered, buttering ten slices of bread.

"How did it go?"

His habitual question. I placed the stacked bread on the table.

"Three ideal spots for ambush, two of those with higher vantage points. Multiple routes but incentive direction should lead to one of those higher vantage points."

Water bubbling, I added the eggs and then set out to serve Chris' meat. The others woke up much later, but Nathaniel always ate right after I finished cooking. It seemed to be a habit of eat when there is food.

"We've gotten closer to F.X. and overheard some intel. Their boss will be showing up at the next meeting exchange for sure. They said it'll take place sometime by the end of next week. Men will be selected personally to protect F.X. and the boss."

"You're going to need the location beforehand." I gave him the meat, propping against the island still waiting for the eggs to finish.

"Not sure we'll get picked," Nathaniel sighed, running a hand through his hair.

"Why do you say that?" I asked.

"As far as rank goes, there are at least two ahead of us that they'll definitely pick. The rest are the ones who've done more, even if their skills are mediocre. They're fresh meat."

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