Chapter 11

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"Is that really what you're going to wear?" Justin questioned from his position on the roof.

We were doing a test on visual, and he could see me quite clearly. I sighed into the phone.

"What's wrong with it?"

"You blend in too much ... it'll be harder to spot you coming out."

I was wearing dark jeans and a dark grey sweater, hiding the red crop top I was wearing underneath.

"Not my problem at the moment. You'll figure it out."

Justin sighed, "Fine. You're clear to enter."

"Bye." I ended the call first slipping my phone into my jean's pocket.

I loosed my ponytail covering the wire, and unzipped my sweater, the wired necklace I wore becoming visible. Stepping inside the bar, the temperature difference made the hairs on my neck stand up. Weaving through the crowds of people, I sat at the bar across from Simon.

His missing eye was covered up with an eye patch, and I stared for a bit before noticing him looking at me too. Briefly we locked eyes before I turned away acting embarrassed that I got caught staring. I ordered a cocktail, keeping the alcohol light. There were three men stationed around his position enjoying their evening but still keeping an eye on their boss. I sipped my cocktail almost gagging at the sweetness of it. Seven minutes passed, and Simon moved to a booth on his side of the bar secluded from everyone else.

Huh, private. This will be interesting to get to him.

As if my thoughts summoned an opportunity, "Hey, beautiful," a man greeted from my left.

Perfect, I smiled to myself, sparing him a glance and taking a sip of my cocktail.

"I was wondering if you needed company tonight?"

"I'm content on my own," I answered focusing on my drink.

"Aw any beauty like you shouldn't be alone," he replied twining a lock of my hair around his finger.

I grabbed his wrist loosely, making him think I was weaker, as I gritted out, "I'm fine on my own."

"You're definitely fine." He winked at me.

I gave a small but disgusted smile. Releasing his hand, I downed my cocktail, paid for my drink and left to the other side of the bar. I could feel him watching me, and I did a bold move. Nathaniel had said he would come to me, but I was going to use him. You needed to catch the attention of such a man without actually making it obvious.

Sitting in Simon's booth, I scowled at the man who had touched me. I had a half of my mind to go back and smash the glass on his head, but the objective overpowered my current self-interest.

"Excuse me," Simon spoke, and his voice was deeper than I expected. "I don't need company tonight."

"That makes two of us," I muttered back to him still watching the other man.

I turned back to face him. It was more grotesque up front, but the eye patch was doing its job.

"You need to leave," Simon stated, and I noticed in my peripheral his men shifting their focus this way.

"Actually, I think I'll stay," I said, running with the idea I had.

I hope this works.

"And, if I say I'll have you thrown out?"

I chuckled a bit. "Okay fine. Just for a few minutes please. I think you're scary good looks will chase away that arrogant bastard in that time." I looked over my shoulder to see him still looking at me. He saw me looking and smiled making his way over. Groaning, I avoided looking at him, spotting the two glasses on the table.

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