Chapter 10

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Once Kaia was dropped off, Nathaniel said I could sit up front. "There's more leg room," he added in attempt to make it casual.

I got out sitting up front extending my legs fully and looked out the window to Kaia's retreating figure.

"Shouldn't you walk her inside?" I asked.

"Why?" Nathaniel sounded surprised by my question.

"Nevermind then. Let's go."

He pulled away from the apartment complex taking a left turn, the opposite direction that we came from. The buildings were familiar, memories of them popping up in my mind. Since I was blacking out last time, it wasn't quite clear, yet.

"Why do you think I need to walk her in?" Nathaniel asked again.

I glanced at him briefly and didn't respond.

"So, you're not going to answer?" He scoffed lightly. "I guess you are like me then."

Clenching my teeth, I forced my mouth to stay shut. Being compared to them isn't something I appreciated. Nathaniel turned on the radio, and I winced at the volume. I wound down the window letting some of the sound escape, making it more tolerable.

The sun dipped lower casting dark shadows multiplying the readiness I had three times. Nathaniel took a sudden turn off road into what appeared to be country side. A few more minutes and he turned again onto a roughly hewn out path. He turned off the music, and I relaxed a bit.

I was right about their location; it was an old warehouse in what looked like an abandoned factory area or plantation. Stepping out, I checked the surroundings, but no one else was nearby, except for Nathaniel. A clang in the direction of the warehouse had me walking towards it. Voices spoke inside angrily and rushed. Nathaniel pushed the door open heading in first. I followed picking out Gabriel and Chris' voices arguing with Justin's.

They quieted when Nathaniel entered the room, a sign he was the leader. It was the same room with the monitors and their hit list. I stopped short waiting to see what would happen.

"Is it true, Nate? We have someone else on the team?" Chris asked annoyed.

"Yes." He glanced back at me. "You all know her already."

I walked inside sticking near the entryway. Gabriel's jaw dropped while Chris exploded.

"What? Are you mad? She's Chels' sister!"

"So? She's on record...with good skills," Nathaniel answered calmly shrugging. His demeanor was completely different than the one he had in the truck.

"What skills?" Gabriel asked finding his voice at last. "She's a girl. We've never worked with females before."

I scoffed, and they all looked at me. "I think that problem is yours alone Gabriel. As for being a 'girl', you better watch your back boy before you're stuck seeing black."

"How do we know she's qualified?" Chris asked.

"I have no choice but to be," I interjected. "So, who's the target or what's the objective for this one?"

"As Clarence Guile is detained by the police currently, and we can't interrogate him, our next target will be his brother, Simon Guile," Justin answered me walking over to a monitor and bringing up his profile. He was similar to Clarence that was for sure, but the major difference stood out plain as day: Simon was missing an eye.

"Unsuccessful op?" I asked looking at the style of the cut. It was gruesome meaning it wasn't fast. More than likely happened during interrogation.

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