Chapter 4: Can You Hear Me?

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The patrol begins like any other. Yaz is relieved that the Doctor thinks nothing of her 'google endeavor', and she seems to have returned to her cheery self after that strange moment of coldness- Yaz will definitely be keeping that topic to herself from now on.

Their conversation proceeds as per usual, subject matter beginning to wind from one to another; usually ending up in a debate or passionate rant at each other. Yaz is part-way through a deep explanation of her distaste for the last episode of How I Met Your Mother when she notices the Doctor isn't listening.

"You alright?"

"Slow the car down Yaz," she says with a degree of seriousness. She's looking out the window at two men seemingly in an intense conversation, boarder-lining on an argument. Yaz slows to almost walking pace as the Doctor analyses the situation. In the rear view mirror, she catches one of the men throwing a punch at the other's head. Yaz immediately stops the car and the Doctor leaps out to bound towards them, Yaz following suit. As soon as the assailant catches sight of them coming, he begins to sprint in the other direction. The other man had fallen to the ground after the hit, and the Doctor tends to him first. 

"Stay still, I'm going to get you an ambulance," she informs the bleeding man, to which he nods and then whimpers. "Now, did that guy attack you with-"

Yaz watches the other man getting away and sees the opportunity to prove herself. Instead of consulting the Doctor, she runs right after him.

"Wait Yaz! We don't know if he has a weapon!"

Despite her warning, Yaz continues running at pull speed, not wasting a single breath replying. Her velocity begins to overtake her caution as when she bounds over a fence, it causes her radio to detach from her chest pocket. Once she turns a corner, she hears the Doctor yell something again in the distance, but it's indistinguishable as she's already too far away.

It feels like she's been running for ages- clearly it wasn't this guy's first time evading the police. She is weirdly determined to catch him... not just to serve him justice, but for some reason she has this strong urge to prove herself in front of the Doctor. Apparently this urge is enough to obstruct her common sense.

The culprit turns another corner in the distance, making her lose sight of him. Her intense level of adrenaline and lack of logical thinking means that she decides to turn the corner too, not taking the necessary precautions that were taught in her training.

Almost immediately, she is shoved to the wall by a strong pair of hands. Going into fight mode, she tries to apprehend him, but the man is much larger than her- though, she does manage to get a few hits in. After a momentary struggle, Yaz finally takes him to the ground, however she didn't account for the possibility of what could happen next...

The man launches himself back up with rage,  a small switch blade pulled out of his pocket. The sight of the knife catches Yaz off guard and takes her a moment to process the stakes that had just been raised. Unfortunately, she realises her predicament a moment too late and the man leaps towards her. In her attempt to dodge the attack, she feels the sharp edge of the blade slice  her upper arm. Soon, she realises the cut is quite deep and blood begins to pour out of her bicep. Fortunately for her, she hears a familiar voice come from her left. She'd never felt more relieved about the woman's presence. 

The Doctor immediately takes control of the situation, pulling out her taser and managing to restrain the man. She watches as the blonde handles him quite aggressively, before turning to face her with enlarged eyes. Despite her best efforts, Yaz begins to lose focus due to her increasing amount of blood loss, and eventually she falls to the ground unconscious.

Sergeant Smith & PC Khan - Thasmin (13th Doctor x Yasmin Khan)Where stories live. Discover now