Chapter 5: Smile

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Staying in a hospital overnight was certainly not in Yaz's thoughts on how the day would proceed. All she can do now is watch the frustratingly small TV in the corner of her room and occasionally check her phone- mostly to see what the time is. As soon as she informs Rose of what happened, her friend rushes her way across town to see her.

"Oh shit!" she hears from the doorway. "You look shocking."

"Thanks," Yaz laughs as Rose gets a closer look.

"What happened to you? Finally catch someone huh?" she asks, trying hard to extinguish her intrigue but Yaz can tell she wants to hear the whole story. After explaining the events of the past day and answering the few questions that pop up, she ends with a simple "and now I'm here."

"Well, it's a good thing the Doctor was there to look out for you. What on earth possessed you to go after that guy in such a hurry anyways? Clearly you know it was dumb so why'd you do it?"

She can only picture the one woman who's been occupying her thoughts for the past couple of weeks, and the look that accompanied her face when she pleaded that Yaz never do that again.

"I dunno..." is all she can reply.

They continue chatting away, Rose updating her on the situation with John and how he's writing some book about time and space. She stays for as long as she can before eventually getting tired and needing to head home. It was sweet of Rose to drop by so late, and Yaz is thankful that she has such a good friend to rely on. She can't help but wonder if the Doctor has a 'Rose', besides her brother of course... If she doesn't, Yaz promises to herself in that moment that she will be there for the Doctor, should a situation ever arise.


The following day, her mood is immensely improved by the Doctor's appearance at lunch time. Having not slept very well that night, Yaz is particularly glad to see that the she comes bearing the gift of coffee.

"Oh thank God!" she exclaims, reaching out for the cup that seems to glimmer in the sunlight. The exchange causes the Doctor's fingers to brush against hers momentarily, and she can't help but notice how warm the woman is. "Thanks Doctor, you're a life saver... again!" Upon hearing those words, the blonde averts her eyes and smiles towards the ground.

Once again, the blonde is dressed in the casual uniform- apart from her chunky boots which Yaz has noticed she likes to wear on occasion. She watches as the Doctor strides across the room to take a stance near the window, the afternoon sun casting a glow upon the side of her face and outlining the shape of her nose and cupids bow. There's something that Yaz can't describe about the woman and how she looks- she's just so...

"Hot," the Doctor says.

"I- I'm sorry?" Yaz asks, snapping out of her daze.

"I said be careful, it's hot."

"Oh, yeah... thanks for the warning," she chuckles, trying to hide her sudden blush by taking a sip from the steaming cup. She wonders if her gazing was noticeable...

"How are you feeling?" she inquires, putting her hands in her pocket.

"Better now that you're here." The two offer each other warm smiles and something within the Doctor's chest tightens after hearing those words.

"I take it the hospital is sub-par?"

"No it's fine, I'm just not used to being stuck in a room by myself with no wifi. At least back home I have my roommate to entertain me occasionally."

The Doctor lets out a small laugh. "Well, lucky it was only for one night." She tries her best to stop herself from asking the next question, but something within her wants to know more about this 'roommate'. "So are you two close?"

Sergeant Smith & PC Khan - Thasmin (13th Doctor x Yasmin Khan)Where stories live. Discover now