Chapter seventeen - In which you hold up a building

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Author's note: Hey guys, hope you're all keeping safe and haven't been affected by coronavirus too badly <3 Early update because I'm procrastinating again :) hope you enjoy this chapter!  


You felt your magic as it made its way down into the ground, into the small parts of the building which were still attaching the framework to the ground, and up, all the way up, holding the structure still. You'd never had to concentrate on anything more in your life; you couldn't think about the electrical sparks which were jumping from wires all around you, or the water which was pouring from a pipe dangerously near the wires, or the evidence of a bedroom which used to be located ten metres in front of you, now blown to bits. You definitely couldn't think about all of the people outside who had just lost their homes. You needed to think about concentrating, standing strong, keeping your arms up and your knees locked even though it hurt like nothing you'd ever felt before. It was worse than breaking your legs. But you weren't thinking about that. You weren't thinking about how if you let go now, people would die...

Shit. You had to stay here. You couldn't move, but it was so difficult, it hurt...

There was a sudden crunching sound to your left, and you turned your head ever so slightly to see Bruce, as Hulk, entering the wreckage. You could barely see him through a combination of your mist and a film of tears over your eyes. Bruce made his way to the opposite side of the hole which the bomb had made and crouched down, bracing his back against the ceiling. The weight it took off of you was infinitesimal in comparison to what you were holding up, but you would take all the help you could get. Squeezing your eyes shut, you prayed that no one was hurt, or worse, and that everyone would be out soon so that you could get out of here. Focus. Your knees were starting to bend from the pressure, and you heard Bruce roar in pain as the building's stability took a turn for the worse; your feet sunk a couple of inches into the soggy mud created by the water from the pipes. These heels Nat had picked for you to wear for your initiation, although not very tall, weren't ideal in this situation.

"Kid, you're doing amazing. Not long, I promise." Tony's voice was suddenly in your ear, and you cracked your eyes open to see him in his suit with his face uncovered brace himself against the ceiling and activate his rocket shoes, or whatever they were called. Your brain was fuzzy, but you doubled your efforts and felt your magic in every crack and particle of this building. Surely everyone was out by now? You hoped so, because your head was starting to feel more and more fuzzy by the second, and you were almost up to your knees in mud now; your arms shaking uncontrollably.


That was Loki's voice in your head. You'd forgotten about him.

I'm coming, stay there...

What did he think you were going to do, walk off? Wait, he couldn't be here, Tony would go mad.

There was a sudden unmistakeable groan from the building you were struggling to keep upright, and you literally felt it tilt dangerously to one side.

"Y/N!" Tony yelled, as Bruce roared yet again from the corner, also now half sunk in the mud.

Your feet began to slide, you weren't going to last much longer... until suddenly you didn't have to.

"I've got it. Let go." Loki was behind you, still disguised as the blonde man, and now everything was green rather than purple as you slumped to the ground, gasping for breath, trying to remember if you'd breathed at all in the last few minutes. You were utterly exhausted.

"Reindeer Games, what the hell?!" Tony yelled.

"Yes, hello Stark." Loki replied through gritted teeth, obviously concentrating as you had. You wanted to help him, but your body wasn't working, and you were sunk up to your knees in mud. It was all you could do to keep your eyes open. Something warm was oozing down your face; you had a nosebleed.

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