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Photo: Young RM (circa 2013)

September 23, 2010
South Korea

The blindfold was starting to get uncomfortable; the wool material itchy, right on the bridge of his nose. The plasma rope that's wrapped around his body and tied around his ankles weren't very tight at first, but since he's been in this position for God knows how long, it is starting to leave marks on his skin. Whenever he tries to move to find a better position, the rope seems to get tighter and digs into his skin more. And damn it all! When are they going to stop driving! The constant motion of the car is starting to make him sick. As much as he would like to say something, he really can't since his abductors have efficiently placed a gag around his mouth.

He wasn't sure how long they've been in the car for since he seemed to be in and out of consciousness. Every time he opened his eyes, all he could see was total darkness due to the blindfold. Once he heard muffled voices near him and what sounded to be someone crying and trying to hold his hand. That could've been his imagination though cause the next time he regained consciousness again, it was back to darkness and silence.


He was contently resting in his bed at the university dorm with the soothing sound of crickets coming through the open window and his roommate's (turned friend) quiet snoring as the background. As much as he tried to go to sleep, his body and mind just won't let him. He is to turn 20 years old come morning. He is to become an adult and be given the rite of passage with all the ceremonial bullshit that comes with it. Then he will be able to let some divine power take over and feel the freedom of transformation or so the elders say.

As he laid there getting a whole mixed of emotions, from excitement to nearly full blown panic, the door to the room was kicked open! The sound so loud that it shattered the stillness of the night. Six men walked in with two heading straight to the other side of the room where his roommate is already awake and trying to get out of bed. Chaos ensued after that.

He can see the four men heading for him and he was instinctually ready for them, but the sound of flesh hitting flesh and the deep menacing growl unlike he's ever heard coming from the other side of the room, distracted him. He turned his head to the right to witness his roommate almost overpowering the two burly men who were obviously surprised at first but quickly regained their composure. One of them pulled out something that looks to be a syringe from his pocket and in a flash stuck the needle to his roommate's neck. He saw his roommate turn to him and before his eyes closed, he could've sworn he saw a glint of red pupils and fangs! What the?!?

By the time he recovered from the shock, all six men were now on him, tying him up and then everything went black.

It was after sometime when the car finally came to a full stop. He was shook awake by someone and then gently helped up so he can sit properly. He can hear the car (or probably van) door opening and two pairs of hands guided him out of the vehicle. He sniffed the air and he could smell jet fuel. With the help of the background sounds, he deduced that they were in an airport. He could hear the sound of a jet engine starting, the sputtering at first and then the loud whirring noise followed.

He was prodded to go up some steps and then gently pushed down on a chair once more. What the hell am I doing on a plane? And then finally, his blindfold and gag were taken off. The light inside the cabin were suddenly too bright so he had to blink several times and finally squint to focus. The first thing he focused on surprised him.


His mother placed a finger on top of his mouth to implore him not to speak.

"I am so sorry son but you have to go! I can't explain to you right now but you need to run and hide. There will come a day when I will call you back I promise, but right now, YOU NEED TO HIDE! Sejin will be your companion from now on" she added indicating the only other occupant in the plane.

"What do you me...?"

"Ssshhhh. Please! Go! I love you" she whispered brokenly. With one last hug, she stepped off the plane and there was nothing he could do because he was still tied up and an arm was forcefully pushing him down onto the seat.

He watched his mother leave the plane. Watched the doors close right behind her. He was so devastated and scared that he couldn't even scream for his mom to not leave. He just sat there, tears streaming down his face. He felt betrayed, abandoned and broken.

That was the day Kim Namjoon's easy and carefree life turned upside down.


Namjoon arrived in LA the following day with nothing but the clothes on his back and the companionship of the pilot of the chartered plane, Sejin. They had nowhere to go, nowhere to run. A confused and bereaved 19 year old kid and his companion in the middle of an unknown world.

That night, in the middle of a dingy motel room, Namjoon experienced his first transformation or what the elders call awakening. It was supposed to be a day of celebration and revelry. He was supposed to be surrounded by his family and the wolf pack. Instead, it was only Sejin that talked him through every stage.

His father had always told him that the awakening for an alpha male is the most unforgettable one because of the feeling of freedom, euphoria and ecstasy after. Namjoon had been looking forward to that. However, his first time transforming brought nothing but pain and loneliness.

Every other transformation after that is no different. The only one beside him is Sejin, talking to him, holding him down if needed. Reassuring him that everything will soon be alright. And slowly and surely, it did. His transformations became less frequent as the months passed because he was now able to control the urges. He learned how to dominate the beast in him.

And that's when he started to slowly plan his revenge.

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