TWELVE: Aftermath

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Photo: Namjoon and Seokjin. Full credits to owner.


Seokjin, with only just his dress pants on,  walked out of the bathroom 15 minutes later to come face to face with Namjoon sitting on one of the armchairs, looking comfortable and sexy as hell. He was twirling an empty glass in his hand and looking straight at him. Seokjin had to visibly swallow before approaching.

"Uhm, do you have a shirt I can borrow? You ripped mine in half earlier." He blurted with a sardonic smile.

"Well, after that teasing stunt you did? I don't know..." Namjoon responded, leaning back and lacing his fingers together.

"Namjoon! I swear, I will..." Seokjin began but was stopped short by Namjoon's sudden closeness. How the heck did he move that fast? He cleared his throat to cover up his surprise.

"You will what, hyung? Huh? Tell me what you'll do baby?" Namjoon throatily whispered. He leaned down and started placing soft, whispery kisses along Seokjin's jaw. He was rewarded with his mate's breath hitching. He smiled with mischief. Ha! Seokjin wasn't unaffected after all.

Namjoon walked to his closet and pulled a brand new pink Givenchy shirt and handed it to Seokjin. As if what happened was nothing. That he didn't just make Seokjin almost melt into a puddle on the floor. He proceeded to sit his ass back down and just watch the older man put the shirt on.

"Would you like something to drink hyung?" Namjoon asked once Seokjin was done getting dressed.

"No, I'm okay, thank you." Seokjin stated as he sat down on the other armchair opposite Namjoon.

They sat facing each other in silence. One gauging the other. Wondering who should ask the first question. It's funny how two people can be so compatible and comfortable when naked but very awkward when fully clothed. Well, one is fully clothed anyway. While the other was just sitting there looking like a 3 course meal and then some. With just a robe covering his nearly perfect body.

"Uuhhmm so!" Seokjin blurted a little bit too loud. "We did it! We fucked our brains out." He added, stating the obvious.

"That we did." Namjoon calmly responded, with a quirk of his brow and a small smile at the corner of his lips, making his dimple appear.

"But, we didn't use any protection." Again stating the obvious.

"Ah hyung. I'm sorry. I didn't realize you were worried about that." Namjoon instantly regretted just sitting there, looking like a smug son of a bitch. He quickly knelt in front of Seokjin and held his hand.

"Well, nowadays, it's kinda important to do that, you know." Seokjin remarked lowly. "It's not that I'm saying you sleep around, cause I will kill you if you do, but I thought we should at least talk about it." He put his hands up, palms out when he noticed Namjoon's facial expression. "And I don't really know if this will just be a one time thing, which I hope it isn't."

"Hyung. What makes you think this is just a one time thing?" Namjoon asked, sitting back on his haunches. This time, one can clearly see that he was starting to get a bit annoyed, perhaps even angry. Cause truth be told, no one has ever questioned him before.

"Namjoon. I'm just being realistic. Listen, this is the first time we saw each other after 10 fucking years. For all I know, it was just a heat of the moment thing. I'm not even sure if you're gay or not." Seokjin replied.

"Okay. So let me get this straight. Are you questioning my loyalty or my sexuality?" Was the curt question from Namjoon. He stood up suddenly, poured himself some more whiskey and then promptly sat back down on the chair he vacated earlier. He took a long swig of the drink in his hand, feeling the burn as it went down to his stomach.

"I am not questioning anything Namjoon. I have no right. So don't get all riled up about it. But, do you blame me? Think about it. We literally just met like 2 hours ago. Granted we knew each other and have been roommates before but that was a decade ago. I don't know what you've been up to in those 10 years. And vice versa. Well, not to brag but you've probably seen my face once or twice on TV but that also doesn't tell you anything about my personal life. I am not one to sleep around. I've never been regardless of what you've heard. This is a first for me." Seokjin remarked. "I guess, it's just a little daunting when you think about it."

"Fine. In that case, let me put your mind at ease. If it's about my loyalty, I've been single for the last 5 years. I've had a total of 3 lovers in my lifetime. The last one lasted for 1 year. We broke up because he found someone else. Apparently, I didn't give him enough attention. And he was most certainly right. I couldn't deny that. He wanted something more than I could give at that time. So after we broke up, I decided that my love life will be put on the back burner. Yes, HE! So to answer your doubt about my sexuality, yes I am gay. I've known it since I was 16 years old. Although, it was never announced to the world, my family knew it then too. Besides, my sexuality is no one's business." Namjoon explained through gritted teeth. "But hang on! You're the one to talk about loyalty when you and your lover are together, like all the time." He added letting some of his jealousy show by the glint in his eye.

"My lover?" Seokjin asked, genuinely confused. And then it dawned on him! "Aaahhh! You mean Yoongi?" Namjoon's one lifted eyebrow was the only answer he got. And then Seokjin laughed! He actually laughed, out loud. His laughter akin to a windshield wiper as it reverberated in the room. He looked at the younger man and quickly sobered up cause it looked like Namjoon was ready to kill somebody, mainly him. He cleared his throat once. "Anyway, if you are referring to those ever persistent rumours, they are not true. Yoongi is not and never will be my lover. He is my brother. Perhaps not by blood but still, a brother. He is my best friend but he's also my manager. Assigned himself even after...." Seokjin stopped suddenly. He was about to blurt out his most kept secret. "I let the media believe that he is my lover because it was just easier that way. Since it's his job to look after me, he'll always be photographed by my side. It also repelled anyone who wants to have any kind of relationship with me. Everyone thinking I'm in a long term relationship with Yoongi was very convenient for my own privacy," he finished.

Silence. Namjoon did not move at all. His posture remained the same. The only movement was the almost empty glass in his hand being transferred from one hand to another. One..two..three..

"Well, I'm glad to hear that." Namjoon finally remarked. He stretched his legs out, obviously starting to relax.

Another silence. These silences seem to be an ongoing thing.

"Namjoon, what did you mean earlier when you said 'you claimed me'?" Seokjin finally blurted out.

Silence. Seokjin waiting for an answer. Namjoon debating whether to lie or tell the truth. In the end he opted for the truth. Seokjin is his mate after all.

Namjoon took a fortifying breath and started talking.

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