EIGHT: Claimed

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Photo: Namjoon and Seokjin. Full credit to the owner.

Warning: Mature content!

Namjoon started sniffing Seokjin's neck, absorbing the scent into his memory. Meanwhile Seokjin was too stunned to fight but too caught up with the passion to think of anything else. He's almost 31 years old and this is the first time he's been left adrift with the heat and perhaps lust inside of him.

"Namjoon. I suggest you put me down right this minute cause I too will not be held responsible if you keep this up." Seokjin whispered breathlessly because Namjoon's sniffing is creating havoc to his barely there control.

But instead of putting Seokjin down, Namjoon started licking the insides of Seokjin's left ear, leaving wet trails of saliva as he moved lower to the side of his neck. All the while, nipping here and there but being very careful not to pierce the skin. There will be a time and place for that.

To Seokjin's chargrin, instead of him pushing the brute away, cause he can if he wants to, but he really didn't want to. He extended his neck the other way, making more room for Namjoon to access. And instead of using his hands to put some distance between them, he found himself digging and grabbing onto Namjoon's hair.

Only the deep breathing, sighs and soft moans could be heard for a few minutes until Seokjin heard a soft knock on the bathroom door, imperceptible to human ears, but he heard it. Only then did he come to his senses.

Holy shit!

They're in a very public bathroom where anyone can just walk in! What if anyone does walk in? Well there goes both their reputations!

"Namjoon...stop." Came the breathy protest. "Put...me...d....! Seokjin didn't get to finish his sentence, cause right then and there Namjoon captured his mouth in a savage kiss. He began by letting his tongue play around Seokjin's lips, asking for entry. As soon as a gap was given, he entered and playfully circled around his mates tongue, inviting to play. Oh and play they did. The kiss was meant to claim. A kiss to declare. A kiss to affirm. A kiss to posses.

Seokjin for all his protests earlier, kissed Namjoon right back. With such abandon, no hesitation. He should've questioned this whole situation but his mind went blank. No thoughts other than how good Namjoon's lips were on his. How his kiss was to claim in its urgency but also to soothe with its softness. As their kiss continued, a certain tranquility came over him, making his eyes turn back to normal and his fangs retract.

An uncontrolled deep growl escaped, from whom, who knows.

As the claiming kiss deepened, a blanket of calmness and peace came over Namjoon's heart. His werewolf let out a contented sigh, retreating back inside. His thirst for its mate was satisfied for now. And in turn, Namjoon softened the kiss and slowly ended it, going back to placing nipping kisses on the right side of Seokjin's neck.

Heavy breathing was the only sound that could be heard when they finally broke apart. Namjoon rested his forehead against Seokjin's just enjoying the moment.

"That was WOW!" Seokjin breathily states.
And then it hit him! "Oh my god! Oh no! No no no." He added, starting to actually panic. I mean, can you imagine, a vampire panicking?

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." Namjoon replied, not really meaning it but said it nonetheless. "Hyung, I'm sorry."

"Shut up! Shut the fuck up! If you say sorry one more time, I will hurt you." Seokjin threatened. "Put me down Namjoon!"

"Whoa okay. What's the big deal? We just kissed." Namjoon answered with a small teasing smile playing around his lips.

As soon as his feet touched the ground, Seokjin shook off the arms encircling him and started pacing. His facial expression moving from confused to downright bewildered.

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