TEN: Consumed

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Photo: Namjoon and Seokjin. Full credits to owner.

Warning: Very Mature Content

The kiss started off soft. Just a touch of their lips. A peck as one would say. Namjoon licked Seokjin's lower lip before he gave it a soft bite. And then he sucked the offended part which resulted in Seokjin letting out a low moan. Namjoon then hardened his tongue and teased Seokjin's upper lip this time, asking for permission to enter.

Seokjin laid on the bed with his hands trapped to his sides and unable to think. All he could do was feel. He closed his eyes and soaked up all the warmth from their bodies combined. He felt a tremor go though his body, an uncontrolled shudder that started from the tip of his toes all the way up to his mouth. He could feel Namjoon's tongue, creating all kinds of havoc on his insides with a kiss. So when Namjoon silently asked for permission to enter his mouth, he gladly gave it. And a moan broke through as soon as their tongues touched.

Who knows who moved first but as soon as their tongues met, all hell broke loose. Seokjin dug his fingers onto Namjoon's hair and held on. The soft kiss became the point of ignition. Both men fought for dominance, both unwilling to give in. Namjoon started moving his hips copying the movements of his tongue, creating such friction on their fully covered cocks.

Their kiss started to become frantic. As if it was each other's life support and that they had to have more of it. Their hands started moving on their own. Seokjin frantically reached in between their bodies to unbutton Namjoon's jacket and removed it. Namjoon on the other hand was unbuttoning Seokjin's dress shirt but apparently there were too many for his liking so he just ripped the damn offending fabric, right in the middle. Buttons flew everywhere.

"Aahhh shit! That's one of my favourite shirts." Seokjin breathlessly protested.

"I'll buy you new ones." Was Namjoon's raspy response.

As soon as Seokjin's chest was exposed, Namjoon broke their kiss. He heard a faint protest but was soon replaced with little spurts of breaths when he started placing sipping kisses from Seokjin's jaw, down to his neck where he sucked and licked around the mark he had placed earlier. When he was satisfied with that, he moved lower still, past Seokjin's collarbone down to his pecs leaving a trail of saliva. As Namjoon came within licking distance to Seokjin's nipples, he stopped. Just stared at the tightening bud in front of him. Fascinated by the contrast of the darkened bud to the pale skin surrounding it.

Seokjin by now was writhing on the bed. Impatiently waiting for Namjoon to do something rather than stare. Something more.

"For crying out loud!"

Namjoon looked up with a playful smile, stuck his tongue out and leisurely licked Seokjin's nipple once, from the bottom up. Lathering it with wetness. And then he blew on it! Blew! Like it was some sort of a fucking bubble blowing game. But the effect of his action was quite satisfactory because Seokjin arched his back off the bed and his hands tightened on Namjoon's hair. With just that simple act! So, he repeated it, on the other side. Same effect. Back and forth he went. Left and right. By the time he was satisfied, Seokjin was hanging on to Namjoon's hair so tight that it should've hurt. But it didn't. In fact, it made Namjoon's cock go harder, if that's even possible.

"Joonie please, please, please." Panted Seokjin. What he was begging for, he doesn't know.

"Please what hyung? Tell me." Namjoon asked gutturally.

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