Chapter 6

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I love to put Friends (inspired) scenes in my stories, so if some parts sound familiar, that's why! Enjoy! :D

!Extra long chapter!

3th POV

Mal was walking frustrated around Carlos' and Jay's dorm.

'What is it, M?' Evie asked her from the couch.

'Nothing,' she said. 'I just can't find anything I wanna eat. Everything makes me nauseous.'

Carlos looked at her from his bed.

'I'm tellin' ya, being pregnant is no piece of cake,' she told them.

Then she looked up. 'Ooh, cake...'

Carlos nodded at her.

'No,' she then stated with a look of disgust. 'See?'

'O, honey, I'm sorry,' Evie said.

'God...' she said sighing. 'Ooh, what is that smell?' she asked suddenly, while looking around.

'It's coming from the bathroom,' she said and walked towards the bathroom.

'Wow, pregnancy does give you some weird cravings,' Carlos said, raising his eyebrows.

Mal knocked on the door.

'Yeah?' Jay called from the shower.

Mal opened the door. 'It's me, Mal. Listen, there's something in here that I wanna eat. What- what... what smells so good?'

Jay stuck his head through the upper side of the shower curtain. 'Is it the shampoo? It's Guava.'

Mal quickly smelled his head. 'No! Eww!'

'Oh, wait, wait!' he said and got something from behind him. 'Is it my Bologna sandwich?'

Mal sighed. 'Yes. Yes, yes, yes!' she said, not even finding it weird he had a sandwich in the shower. 'Can I have it please,' she begged him.

'Sure, I've got another one,' he said and handed her the sandwich.

'Thanks!' she said and then walked out of the bathroom while eating the sandwich.

'So, found what you were smelling?' Carlos asked, not looking up from his laptop.

'Yup,' Mal said, while gratefully eating.

'Wait, where did that sandwich come from?' Evie asked confused.

'I got it from Jay,' Mal said sitting down on the couch.

'But Jay's in the shower...' she said.

'Yeah,' Mal said and switched on the tv.

Evie looked at Carlos as he looked back with the same expression and shook their faces.

'Alright then,' she said and watched tv with Mal, who was greedily eating the Bologna sandwich.


'Hey, are you all ready to go?' Evie asked, walking into their dorm.

'Yes,' Mal said crabby, sitting slumped in a chair.

'Aren't you excited?' Evie asked. 'We're going on our first ski trip!'

'I would be excited if I was actually able to ski on our first ski trip,' she said irritated.

'O, come on, we'll be out there in the mountains, in the snow. We can build snowman, have a snowball fight and- and we can go sledding,' she said excited.

Meant to be - a Descendants story (Bal)Where stories live. Discover now