Chapter 17

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Guys, I haven't proof read this chapter so I'm so sorry if it's really bad, but I didn't wanna let ya'll wait any longer, so here ya go, enjoy!

3th POV

'Will you, Benjamin Adam of Auradon, take Audrey Briar Rose to be your wedded wife?' the officiant asked.

Mal was holding her breath. This was it. This was the moment.

'I will... not,' Ben said.

Everyone in the chapel began talking shocked and Ben's and Audrey's parents were heavily discussing with each other.

Ben looked at Audrey, who smiled supportively at him.

The officiant didn't know what to say as he did definitely not expect that.

'Will everyone please be quiet,' the officiant told the people in the chapel.

After a while everyone finally quieted down. Ben turned around to face everyone and saw Mal sitting there with Gianna. He had never been so sure of doing something in his life.

'I know you all expected me- us- to get married today, but Audrey and I, we are just friends,' Ben told. 'Never been and never will be more than that. Our parents wanted us to get married for "advantage", but the only reason you should ever get married, is because you love someone.'

His dad looked angrily at him and was about to just run up to him to make him shut up and get married, but Belle stopped him.

'And although our families made us get married, even though we did not want to, we will not marry each other,' he continued. 'I could never marry her, because I'm actually in love with somebody else.'

Again everyone began talking and the officiant had to quiet everyone down.

'She's the most important person in my life and there's nothing or no one who could ever stop me from loving her,' Ben said as he looked at Mal, who smiled emotionally at him. 'That's why I will not hold onto this arranged marriage, although that means I'll have to give up the throne. There's nothing I wouldn't do for her... and our daughter.'

Everyone looked shocked at him. Beast looked rather angry, as were Audrey's family. Belle almost passed out from shock, but her husband kept her conscious.

Mal had tears rolling down her face. Ben walked up to her and took her free hand (as she held Gianna in her other arm). She stood up and he pulled her into a hug as they both cried a little. Ben looked into her eyes and then kissed her.

Everyone in the room was silent while the two finally reunited. Then slowly they all started applauding and standing up. Ben and Mal looked surprised around, not expecting this kind of reaction.

Ben smiled and looked at Mal as he held her close.

'Okay, this is ridiculous!' Queen Leah suddenly exclaimed.

Everybody immediately went quiet and looked at the old woman.

'You were in a long term relationship with my granddaughter and you just cheated on her with this- this villain, who you also got pregnant, and now you're pretending like that's okay?!' she said, very upset.

Ben and Mal stared a bit shocked at her, not knowing there could be so much anger in such an old woman.

'Grammy, we told you already that we didn't want to get married,' Audrey told her grandmother. 'We don't love each other, okay. So why'd you want us to marry each other so badly? Don't you want me to be with someone I actually love?'

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