Chapter 12

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I know I've said this a lot of times, but just in case you forgot, I love to put Friends (inspired) scenes in my story, so if some parts sound familiar, that's why. Enjoy! :D


3th POV

'Jesus christ man, you haven't smiled in weeks,' Troy said to Ben, totally done with this everlasting depression. 'What's going on?'

'Nothing, I'm fine,' he told him.

'You're fine? Really?' he asked. 'You've been walking around like someone told you the world is soon gonna end.'

Ben sighed. It was hard not being able to talk about what happened. The only people who knew what was going on hated him, so he had to keep it all to himself.

But he couldn't do it anymore. He felt more alone than ever before and just needed his best friend to talk to.

'Okay, I... I have to tell you something,' he said.

'No really?' Troy said sarcastically.

Ben rolled his eyes and pulled him with him to his dorm. He looked around the hallway before closing the door and then sat down.

'It's a long story, alright, so I need you to just listen and be quiet,' he said.

'All right,' Troy said, curious for what this could be all about.

'So, it all started in like... november, if I remember correctly,' he began his story. 'It was raining terribly that night and I had just finished my work, when I saw someone sitting outside. Curious as I am I asked her why she was outside and she told me she was there just to think. So then I uh went outside to check up on her-'

'Hold up, so it was raining like hell and someone just sat there in the rain, and you decided to go outside too?' he asked.

'Uh-huh, but that's not the point,' Ben told him. 'So, when I sat down next to her, I finally saw who it was-'

'Who was it?' he asked.

'Mal,' he answered.

'Oh- wow, okay, interesting turn,' Troy said getting even more curious now.

'So I uh I asked her why she was sitting in the rain and she told me she liked the smell and-'

'She liked- the smell?' Troy said chuckling.

'Ya and I told you to listen and be quiet,' Ben said annoyed whereafter Troy "sorry" muttered. 'But alright, I told her she should get inside before she'd catch a cold, so I took her into my dorm and gave her some dry clothes. Then we uh we had a conversation about- I don't even remember what anymore. And uhm then- well, we- I uhm, well, then uh...'

He then stopped talking, not knowing how to tell what happened next.

'And then what...?' Troy asked curious.

Ben took a deep breath. 'Well, then... I- I uhm... I-'

'You what?' he asked losing his patience.

'I slept with her, alright,' Ben told him, just getting to the point.

Troy gasped. 'You... no... you didn't...'

Ben nodded, looking down. 'Yes... I did...'

'O my god... how could you not have told me this?!' Troy exclaimed.

'I just-' he said, but Troy interrupted him.

'Wait- so... does this mean that- you're the one who got her pregnant...?' he asked him.

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