Chapter Eleven
Waking the next morning felt like something out of a dream. Not a good one though, one where you wake up more exhausted than when you started. One that felt like a bus had run you over even though you were very sure that you, in fact, had not been. Yesterday was the day when Maya decided it was time to land legitimate blows to me when we were training. It was absolutely something that I knew was coming, but apparently, my brain forgot to tell the rest of my body to be prepared. I also decided that it was better to decline the ice bath after. It was a huge mistake. Training was more and more intense every day in all areas. The pace that I was going over the last several weeks kept me moving and growing constantly. I was finally feeling like a member of Trident.
None the less, it was time to start another day, so I forced my annoyingly sore body to roll out of bed and start my normal daily routine. I grabbed my toothbrush, soap, towel, and my light training gear and headed towards the bathroom in my room. After successfully brush my teeth, a task that got past me the past couple of days because of my schedule, I turned on the shower and prepared to get in it. I would have loved to have taken one last night, but along with brushing my teeth, it was something that escaped me. I found myself so focused on training and all my other tasks simple things would often go overlooked.
My lack of ability to get the tasks done that I wanted was because instead of continuing to sit at my desk after I completed my video log, I decided it would be better to sit on my bed. I only intended for it to be five minutes, but of course, that turned a lot longer after I'd let my eyes close. I wanted to stay up and study, but I knew it would be better for my body and my brain to sleep and to worry about studying another time. Rest was amazing when you really needed it. Feeling it wash over me, I could always feel my problems and worries disappearing with it. Honestly, the people that tell you that sleep is their favorite thing aren't lazy. Well, maybe some of them are, but the hard workers will tell you that there's nothing better.
Besides that, the bathroom area wasn't anything particularly exciting to me when I arrived and had changed little since my arrival. I remember going back to my childhood home shortly after the death of my parents and using their shower. It was one of the most incredible bathrooms that I'd ever remembered seeing. There were high ceilings and gorgeous marble and tile everywhere. The colors were both light and dark at the same time. It was designed so you could see everything, but still be relaxing enough to enjoy the experience. There were a dozen different faucets that controlled scents that would come into the bathroom and almost overwhelm you with the most amazing smelling scents I could ever remember. The faucets also controlled the soap for the shower and the bath.
The bathroom in the dorm halls wasn't nearly as nice. Fluorescent lights made you feel like they immediately forced you to be awake and annoyed. The lights weren't anywhere else in the facility, so I believed it had to be on purpose, to torture us all into being miserably awake and ready to get out of there as soon as possible. The shower, soap, mirror, toilet and everything in there was a rather mediocre experience. It wasn't a big deal to me because the last few years I spent living out on the street; I didn't have the luxury of any showers, or baths, or proper toilets. The thing that I was happiest about was the fact that they were our own individual spaces. If I had to share, I don't think I would be as fine with them. Other people complained often, and after having experienced the one with my parents, I could understand it. More people than just myself came from backgrounds that allowed their families to have some luxuries. Now that I was here, though, I was going to make the best out of everything that came my way, no matter what. So the bathroom, while not as amazing as I'd like, didn't receive any verbal complaints from me to anyone.
After getting out of the shower, I dried off and slipped on the familiar light training gear that I decided I would just wear everywhere. It didn't make a ton of sense to me to continue to change in and out of clothes every couple of hours when the training gear was comfortable and blended in with everyday clothing just as well as anything else. It was the highest duty equipment that they would require me to wear throughout the day as well. I was ready for all tasks I was going to do during the day. The training at night was also something that it prepared me for. I often do what I did last night and crash as soon as I return to my room. The gear was comfortable enough to sleep in, even if it was a little icky from the day.

Trident Trials: The Glimmer
FantascienzaJames August is only a teenager when his parents die. To make matters worse he can't seem to remember any part of his life before their death. After spending a couple of years trying, unsuccessfully, to discover something that would cure him he star...