c003. wedlock wine, fine midnight snack

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"This venerable prince must have you right now!"

With one hand, he directly embraces Shen Yu's waist and effortlessly carries him up before walking to the edge of the divan, sitting down, and lowering the other person onto his own leg.

His left hand has even fished up a pot of wine.

"Drink it."

Shen Yu is not able to drink alcohol: during his childhood, someone tricked him into drinking a little too much, and he passed out for a day.

Shen Yu's eyes meet the gaze of the Northern Garrison Prince, and as they are stuck together so closely, the prince's domineering authority makes him unable to act in defiance. The Northern Garrison Prince's word is akin to heaven's law.

Shen Yu picks up the wine pot and, in a scholarly manner, drinks a tiny mouthful. The strong alcohol enters his throat and is so sharp that he coughs repeatedly. Because watery tears even seep out of his eyes, he seems increasingly tender and lovely.

The Northern Garrison Prince promptly downs the remaining wine in one go; the appearance of his head tilted back paired with the up-and-down of his Adam's apple while swallowing is both unreserved and wild. Never before has Shen Yu come across a man whose body gives off such an air of aggression.

"This is our exchange of wedding wine."

The exchange of wedding wine?

For this kind of man, Shen Yu can willingly put forward and give up his own life; what a pity that he is only a cheap fraud.

With a roll, the Northern Garrison Prince presses Shen Yu beneath his body. His startled look resembles that of a small deer, and the Northern Garrison Prince is fond of this sort of pleasure derived from conquest. He is a hunter and he will devour this little beauty to the fullest.

He leans down to kiss the other violently, covering Shen Yu's red lips in a seamless motion. Then—without forewarning—he roguishly seizes control and forces apart those pearly white teeth, capturing the soft tip of Shen Yu's tongue in an instant.

He is like a savage invader who wants to take everything by force!

An intense, masculine odor and the scent of alcohol fill Shen Yu's mouth, immediately rushing to the back of his head; he is nearly made dizzy by the deep kiss.

"Wu . . . "

The fevered invasion continues for a long while, almost causing Shen Yu to suffocate. He is unable to breathe and has been smothered to the point that his cheeks have become a ravishing shade of red. Only when he is on the verge of losing consciousness does the Northern Garrison Prince finally show him some mercy, withdrawing from his lips.

Shen Yu gasps for breath, struggling to take in gulping mouthfuls of air. Just now, he had believed he was going to die.

Shen Yu's appearance as he gasps for breath excites the Northern Garrison Prince further; it is evident that he very much enjoys how Shen Yu looks when he is having a difficult time enduring. In particular, Shen Yu's trembling eyelashes seem as if they are brushing across his heart. The Northern Garrison Prince once more leans down, this time directly burying his face below Shen Yu's collarbone.

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