c0018. Fourteenth Floor

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As King Zhenbei approached, he did not show much concern, but it was unprecedented that he could obtain an adorable male favor.

 "Don't worry, I told you before, to treat these lovely little beauties, you have to be nice, don't listen to yourself ...

" Bian Xie whispered and I looked at him, slowly, suddenly "huh", his eyes narrowed in a slit. "I dare ask the prince, how often do you have sex with him ...

" Song Qingdai replied, "For two months, every night ... until early in the morning."

 Bian Xie made an unexpected expression and look at the king of Zhenbei as a monster. 

This person was really energetic, but he did not expect that after so many years of indulgence, he had not completely exhausted himself and was still full of energy. 

"No wonder, this little beauty has almost been emptied, her body is so empty. She was not dead yet. The prince must be giving him ginseng soup and other supplements during the week, eh?" 


 The King of Zhenbei frowned, unable to tell if he was angry or concerned. "What use are these robes? 

Besides, I lose sight of them, so let me tell you that it touches the bone age of this little beauty, obviously she is still under 18 years old, but her bones are worse than those of an old man. 

The King of Zhenbei grabbed Bian Xian's clothes and picked him up.

 "Can it be saved?" "Ah! Let go of me!" 

The king of Zhenbei did not embarrass him. When he released his hand, Bian Xie released himself and fixed his clothes. "I will not let anyone die, even the king cannot cry.

" Bian Xie's delicate nose was taller. 

"Get out first." 

The King of Zhenbei did not move. Looking at the sleeping beauty in bed, Bian Xie really saw tenderness in her eyes.

Bian Xie shuddered.

"I've seen a ghost ..." Bian Xie muttered. "You like to see him. I'll deal with the trauma first. Whole body has been tortured, animals?"

The King of Zhenbei is deaf to his curse. The reputation of the city king is comparable to the words of animals. How can you care about the comments of these common people?


Bian Xie suddenly took Shen Yu's finger and looked at it more closely.

"Master, are you changing the pattern now? You already wear the leather veil, now you use the needle, it's incredible."

King Zhenbei mined it in disgust.

"What needle?"

"Look at the wound inside this one, isn't it a needle stick? Don't deny it, prince, you can't hide my fifteenth eye of fire ..."

King Zhenbei discovered that Shen Yu's ten fingers, none of which were intact on the nails, were all fine marks of wounds, obviously stabbed with needles.

The King of Zhenbei has always tortured him every time they do it, so Shen Yu has had injuries throughout the year, blue, purple, and red. The King of Zhenbei is used to it.

"Ah! Why is it poisoned ... this taste ... uh ..."

Bian Xie pulled out a silver needle, which was completely black, sniffing it near the nose.

"Smelly ... Guxin in southern Xinjiang remains Guguwang's poison.

"Bian Xie also discovered that, although he knew the cruelty of the king of Zhenbei's house, he would not inject poison to play, obviously Shen Yu was injured by someone else.

Suddenly, Bian Xie felt as if he had fallen into an ice cellar, as if a dangerous beast was watching him, the killing intent of the King of the North condensed into ice.

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2020 ⏰

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