c0017. Another?

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The King of Zhenbei is the type of person who is most dissatisfied and most irritable.

When Shen Yu was in bad shape, King Zhenbei was upset and irritable, his movements were more violent than before.

Shen Yu was under pressure under the King of Zhenbei. There was only a sharp impact in the room and the low roar of King Zhenbei.

"Turn around and look at Ben Wang."

The King of Zhenbei changed his stance, he was not happy with his movements. He liked to serialize Shen Yu directly to himself. In this way, the waves in Shen Yu's eyes and the blush on her face would fall into her eyes and leave Zhenbei Wang with a great sense of satisfaction.

But today, Shen Yu's eyes were empty, her panting was weak, her face was almost transparent, and the blood vessels could be seen under her skin.

The King of Zhenbei ran frantically, trusting in his power and Shen Yu's reaction frustrating him.

"Uh ...

There was a faint sound in Shen Yu's throat. King Zhenbei looked up and saw bleeding from the corner of his mouth.

Shen Yu's eyes have lost focus, the king of Zhenbei smells it, he is too weak

• • •

Bian Xie, a doctor, was an assistant to Princess Zhenbei, who was married to King Zhenbei, at that time everyone in the palace was in danger and feared being sent to that remote and very cold place.

The King of Zhenbei suddenly sent a man to say that when King Zhenbei was in confinement, he lived to make people half-alive, leaving only a breath, so please, the doctor must hurry to save people.

Bian Xie laughed when he heard it.

"What about me?"

The man told the medicine man to take his medicine box and get into the carriage.

In King Zhenbei's mansion, it is not uncommon to kill people, Bian Xie is used to it, it is not the first time that they urgently call him for medical treatment.

In the Shaohua courtyard, the king of Zhenbei was standing by the bed, Shen Yu lay silently like a ghostly statue.

"Eh? The prince is here too? The prince is really a loving person and he really takes care of himself"

Those who dare to speak in that tone with the King of Zhenbei, I am afraid there are only fourteen people in the entire Northern Territory.

King Zhenbei ignored his cynicism.

"First you save him," said Zhenbei Wang concisely.

"Nonsense, I came here from thousands of miles to save people, did you not come to Wangfu to travel?"

Bian Xie rolled his eyes arrogantly, reached out his slim demonic hand, and placed it on Shen Yu's wrist.

"Oh, he really is a little beauty. I have never seen such an exquisite person in the palace. He is like a doll. No wonder you love him so much."

The King of Zhenbei blinked and couldn't help but touch Shen Yu's face. He wondered how someone who had as much serious beauty as the King of Zhenbei.

"Don't touch it," King Zhenbei solemnly shouted.

Bian Xie did a.

"Look, look at your baby, I don't touch him, how can I see him sick?"

It is no wonder that King Zhenbei is not concerned. Before, he could not bear the ravages of King Zhenbei, the men and women who passed out were thrown out of bed by King Zhenbei. 

Although he was saved, he basically broke the King's interest. Calm in disgrace and they never looked again.

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