c007. nightly reed-pipe music and song

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The Northern Garrison Prince is vigorous and full of life; he rides horses and drills his troops during the day, and he stays in Shen Yu's courtyard during the evening.

It is as though he has unearthed a strange new plaything, and his interest in learning more about Shen Yu has increased.

"A mute . . . Could it be that there are really no perfect and unblemished things in this world?"

The Northern Garrison Prince's finger caresses and strokes Shen Yu's face repeatedly, admiring his precious possession.

Since childhood, Shen Yu has felt inferior because he is unable to speak; the Northern Garrison Prince will probably not like him because of this.

"But you are different . . . It was God who felt you were like flawless white jade, who envied you, and so made you unable to speak."

In the Northern Garrison Prince's deep and rich voice, those words of endearment are the most pleasant-sounding that Shen Yu has ever heard.

His fingers brush against Shen Yu's lips and then push inside. The hot, wet, and smooth softness is a sensation so comfortable that the Northern Garrison Prince's eyes close halfway.

The elderly lady charged with training Shen Yu in the art of seduction had taught him before that the Northern Garrison Prince is as merciless as as a wolf or tiger. His unique preferences extend to matters involving the bed, where he is likewise cruel and vicious.

Following the granny's teachings, Shen Yu takes the initiative to envelope the Northern Garrison Prince's finger using his tongue, licking gently.

"Both flirtatious and inexperienced; you are an alluring spirit indeed."

The contented Northern Garrison Prince begins to toy even more wantonly with Shen Yu's mouth; he is a crude and pitiless child who, after grasping a new plaything, is itching to take Shen Yu apart and examine him to the fullest extent possible.

When the Northern Garrison Prince's finger reaches Shen Yu's throat, Shen Yu almost retches, his nose souring and the rims of his eyes tearing up.

He is very uncomfortable but he must not reveal an expression of discomfort. The elderly lady had said before that men do not enjoy women who appear distressed and miserable; they enjoy looking at women who smile, and the brighter the smile, the more likely they are to capture the hearts of men.

"Mn? I can't believe you can still smile; apparently you are very much enjoying this." The Northern Garrison Prince uses more force. "Mute, exactly how did you become mute? This venerable prince very much wishes to know."

Shen Yu is unable to make a sound. His tears are flowing uncontrollably down his cheeks and hanging from his delicate chin, yet his face still keeps its smiling expression.

. . .

Shen Yu sinks into a heavy sleep.

After another day of exhaustion and weariness, Shen Yu is somewhat in pain. In reality, his entire body is hurting, and he is simply trying his hardest to become used to it; someday, he will be unable to keep up the effort of enduring.

For the several days that follow, Shen Yu undergoes the torment of previous nights during the evening as well as the persistent hounding and innumerable obstacles of the Princess Consort during the daytime. So actually, each day is like a repetition of the one before and there is not much of a difference between them.

Day by day, Shen Yu weakens. Originally, his face still possessed a bit of baby fat and even a trace of rosiness. Before the passing of half a month, Shen Yu has lost weight to the point that it is possible to feel the bones on every part of his body. Although his eyes still shine as brilliantly as before, his complexion has already grown as white as paper. He knows that his days will not go on for much longer.

Song Qing is left behind by the Northern Garrison Prince to take care of his daily routine.

The Northern Garrison Prince has yet to cut back on his allowances of food or clothing, and his treatment of Shen Yu could even be considered thoroughly generous. He had given orders to exempt Shen Yu from his morning greetings to the Princess Consort and arranged for a small kitchen to make food exclusively for Shen Yu to consume.

To speak the truth, Shen Yu was a domestic slave; how could his meals compare to those of the Northern Garrison Prince's residence? The Northern Garrison Prince conferred to him thousand-year-old ginseng roots, red bird's nests, hasma, and other similarly rare and valuable goods without so much as blinking an eye.

Although the vitality within Shen Yu's bones and flesh has already been pressed out, these deeply replenishing supplements suspend his impending fate, rendering him incapable of dying for a period of time.

After Shen Yu climbs out of bed in the morning, the Northern Garrison Prince will always grant him some precious treasures consisting of gold, silver, pearls, and jewels. Each one has a price beyond measure, but Shen Yu does not have much interest and allows Song Qing to just store them in a small box.

Seeing as he is a person about to die, what could he use these things for? Would he bring them along into the coffin?

As for matters involving the bed, Shen Yu has actually gotten closer and closer to perfecting the craft. If the Northern Garrison Prince's finger bends in a gesture of invitation, Shen Yu knows right away how to serve him. If the Northern Garrison Prince pats him on the buttocks, Shen Yu knows right away to switch to a different position.

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