c014. Penalties for kneeling

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At night, the moon falls on shen yu kneeling in front of the hallway, it is so thin that it is almost hidden in the moonlight.

Towards a cold wind and the grass was covered with frost. He was cold, sleepy and hungry, with wounds on his body again, his eyelids were heavy with a scale attached to it, he just wanted to close it.

"Mrs. Shen, I'm sorry, it wasn't the slave servants who used the lynching, but the princess who won't let him sleep. Don't close your eyes, and don't suffer from flesh and skin".

For him it is nothing to speak of for. He is the son of a family of servants. He has suffered frostbite and resistance to hunger. Even in the Zhenbei kingdom, he was tortured enough.

Too bad, Shen Yu secretly rejoiced.

He was getting more and more tired, his vision slowly decreased and his head finally fell.

Just squinting, he felt a tingling in his left shoulder and suddenly woke up.

ZhiLuo was holding a two-inch thin needle, driving it into the bone of her left shoulder. A pain came from his left shoulder, Shen Yu was awake again.

"Mrs. Shen, I'm sorry, it wasn't the slave servants who used the lynching, but the princess who won't let him sleep. Don't close your eyes, and don't suffer from flesh and skin."

Zhiluo had a smile on his face, but the actions under his hands were fierce and vicious, he pushed the long needle a bit more, it all fell into Shen Yu's flesh.

Shen Yu clenched her teeth in pain, hardened her body, perked up and tried to stay awake.

The princess is the mistress, and the order, Shen Yu did not dare to rape her. This was his mother's teaching from an early age.

But late at night, Shen Yu's body was weak and she didn't have much strength to hold him, she had suetio again.

This time, the place where ZhiLuo started was Shen Yu's knee.

The long needle pierced through the knee joint, deliberately leaving one half on the ground, while Shen Yu's body was slightly relaxed, it would tighten to the tail of the needle and pierce deeper.

"I have said that if you are afraid of pain, don't sleep."

Zhiluo took another needle and shook it in front of Shen Yu.

"Let the slave help you."

The other knee was also pricked in the same way.

The large beads of sweat from Shen Yulong carob fell, he could only lift his knees slightly, without falling to the ground, but avoiding touching it.

The king of Zhenbei forced Shen to take many medicated meals so that Shen Yu would not lose his strength and pass out when he was entertaining him, making Shen Yu seem energetic every day.

At this critical moment, the medicated diet played an important role. Shen Yu expected him to pass out, but it wouldn't work.

"Mrs. Shen, the prince won't notice the wound with a big hole, you're a silly person. You didn't complain to the prince and no one will know, will you?"

"Zhiluo! Zhiluo!" A maid came to report: "The Lord has returned!"

Zhiluo woke up on the side of the princess's bed and quickly said, "Hurry up, give it back, don't be hit by the prince!"

Shen Yu was sent back to his yard. When he found a pillow he slept and the King of Zhenbei kicked open the door.

Shen Yu opened his eyes with difficulty, his face was as pale as a dead man and he would die if he continued like this, only Zhenbei Wang could rescue him, so he wanted to face Zhenbei.There was a smile, but he didn't even have the strength to laugh, barely hooking the corner of his mouth.

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