Chapter 12 - Phoebe

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The morning went as mornings always did for me. Wake up, chores, help Nanna, get breakfast, head to work.

Nanna had commented that I looked very 'peppy' today, I just laughed and reminded her it was Saturday which meant I had the following day off and if that wasn't reason enough to be peppy, I didn't know what was.

She laughed with me, but I think she sensed something different about me. I couldn't describe it, but I felt different too.

I resisted the urge to check twitter and see what was going on with the band until I reached the library. Today's top story?

"How rejecting Hawk wrecked my career"

My heart pounded in my chest as I tapped the link through to the story and the picture of a stunning blonde in a tiny bikini greeted me. I swallowed hard before scrolling down to read the story.

"Model and instagram influencer Madison Taylor, 21, confessed that she was shocked by heart throb Elliott Hawk, 22, showing an interest. 'He seemed sweet but as soon as I turned him down for a date, he changed. I was cut from the shoot and replaced by another girl.'"

I frowned, that wasn't quite how I remembered it.

But maybe he had asked her out and she rejected him as she said? Then the flirting and singing to me was his way of getting back at her. His way of getting her cut?

I puffed out a breath sending strands of my hair twirling away from my face.

There wasn't any point dwelling on his motives. I had shut him down and that was the end of it. "I'm not paying you to play on your phone Miss Summers." Richard tutted as he stormed passed.

I resisted the urge to throw back a comment saying I did more work here in a day than he did in a week. It was true but it wouldn't improve my situation. "Sorry." I muttered tucking it into my pocket.

"I've got an important phone call so don't disturb me." He sniffed then stalked towards the room he had claimed as his own.

Who would need an important call with a manager of a tiny, barely on the map town library? I knew what important call was code for. I'm sure he would enjoy his couple of hours of catch up TV.

As the door closed, I settled back in my seat. A couple of hours of uninterruptedly doing my job sounded pretty good to me. The first hour passed quietly enough, the second a little busier as some of the regulars turned up to exchange their books.

I've always thought you can tell a lot about someone from their book choices. No one would realise the beefy builder loved a Scandinavian crime novel.

"Be-be!" a squeal pierced the peace and quiet.

I smiled as four-year-old Ruby ran towards me as fast as her stubby little legs would carry her. Jenna, mum of four with a love of fantasy romances followed behind her pushing a pram. How she found time to read with her crazy excitable brood I would never know but I was able to give her a short break by reading to them while she browsed.

"Hey Scooby." I laughed, scooping Ruby up as soon as she reached me.

"No Be-Be!" she giggled, "I Ruby."

"Judy?" I waggled my eyebrows in mock confusion.

"Ruby!" she shouted.

"Oh Ruby! Why didn't you just say that." I said tickling her and inducing another fit of the giggles.

"You're an angel Phoebe." Jenna laughed as she finally reached me.

"No worries. Take your time, we've got that new Christine Feehan one in. Let me know if you have any trouble finding it." I smiled as I began herding the children towards the box of children's toys and books.

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