Chapter 42 - Phoebe

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When he emerges from the bathroom I can hardly see the person from last night anymore. If it weren't for the redness around his eyes I probably would never have known.

I guess that's how some alcoholics do it. They get good at hiding the effects. I frown as I come to terms with the knowledge that it could happen again and I might not know.

"The boys are waiting for you. Don't be angry but they've told Victoria." I tell him. Hitting him with the news I know is likely to upset him most before we go out to join them in the open plan living space.

His face falls but he doesn't look surprised, "I guessed they might have. They did say they would have to if I slipped up." He admits scrubbing a hand over his face.

I wait silently for him to build himself up to face them. I can see it happening. His back straightens and he takes a single hesitant step.

The faces of everyone he cares about greet him and I can see him begin to crumple. "I'm so sorry." He chokes out and my heart aches for him.

But this is not my battle and as much as I care for him and want to protect him, all he needs right now is to know I'm here for him.

I rest a hand on his back as we slowly step into the room to join them.

As he begins to explain how it all started I listen intently, only briefly distracted by the buzz of my phone.

The screen is lit up with a message from my Nan saying she's fine but they're keeping her in for one more night to be sure. Relief courses through me as I tuck it back in my pocket.

Not that there is ever a good time for an addict to relapse but Elliott really picked a bad one for me.

The exhaustion I've been trying to ignore the last couple of days is creeping up on me now and I can feel it in the heaviness of my limbs.

I sit up a little straighter in an effort to stop myself from succumbing to it and listen as Elliott explains that he is going to go to a meeting tonight and he promises to call one of us if he ever feels like he's slipping again.

I give the guys my number and we create a support group for us so any of us can share if we notice signs or concerns.

It's no guarantee of anything but I can hear the regret and embarrassment in his tone and I hope that's enough to make him reach out instead of for the bottle in the future.

"Will you come with me?" He asks quietly, turning to face me.

"To the meeting? Of course." I take his hand and give it a squeeze.

"What did I do to deserve you?" He whispers, cupping my face in his other hand.

"On that note I think we will give you guys some alone time." Someone laughs.

My cheeks flush and I duck my head. "Don't tease, we'll go to my room. You guys stay put." Elliott laughs, tugging me to my feet.

I follow him quickly, shooting the guys a smile. Although I don't know them well, last night bonded us in a way I never expected. There's an unspoken respect for the way they dealt with him and got him help last night and in the past. From them I think they're imoressed by how I handled finding out last night. I'm glad, if we are going to be together, I really want his friends to like me.

He kicks the door closed behind him and beckons me to join him as he jumps onto the bed. I shyly climb up next to him, keeping space between us. He makes a little huffing noise and I allow him to tug me down and into his side. It takes a fraction of a second for me to relax into his embrace.

I don't remember closing my eyes or falling asleep but the next thing I know I'm waking up. My eyes gritty from sleep and disorientation swirling through me as I take in the room.

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