Chapter 33 - Elliott

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I watched silently as they made their plans for our morning. Hearing Phoebe speak to her Nanna reminded me just how little we really knew about each other. I knew her Nanna raised her, but I hadn't realised just how close they were and how this situation might affect her family. Phoebe didn't really know me either. She didn't know my deep dark secret, my weakness. If she did would that change things for her?

Had I been selfish for not even considering the impact that this would have on Phoebe's life. I was used to the paparazzi and their intrusiveness. In all honesty I hardly noticed them anymore. Phoebe was not and I felt a twinge of uneasiness. My life wasn't likely to change any time soon and if Phoebe couldn't adjust then we likely wouldn't work out.

The pang of sadness that sent through my chest shocked me. I had only known her a short time but already she was having a big impact on me. I shook myself mentally, there was no point thinking about that now. I just needed to focus on managing this as best I could to give us the best chance of our relationship going somewhere.

I forced myself to tune back into the conversation. "-but I don't want them to take hundreds of photos and discuss what I'm wearing." Phoebe protested and I bit back a smile.

I was pretty sure I had said something similar about not wanting to be a designer clothes horse when we started out.

"It doesn't matter whether you want it or not, that's probably what they will focus on." Sam argued.

"You don't need to change your style but just let us get you dressed up a little. If they're taking pictures, you are going to want your hair and make up done." Cara said diplomatically.

Phoebe groaned, tipping her head back in frustration, "Fine. Yes to make up and a top but I'm wearing my trainers and I'll do my hair."

Cara looked like she wanted to argue but like everyone else in the room, I think she saw that Phoebe was reaching her limit.

I slipped an arm round her shoulders and tucked her against me. For a moment she stiffened, and I nearly moved away again before the tension left her and she relaxed into my side.

"Where are we going then?" I asked and four sets of eyes glared at me at they realised I hadn't been listening.

I felt Phoebe shake and looked down at her in alarm, but she was laughing. "And they thought I was going to be the difficult one." She sniggered.

I smiled back and poked her side causing her to let out a squeal. I tucked away the knowledge she was ticklish and looked at Victoria expectantly.

She sighed before reciting the plan, "You're going to sit in a café. We will let the press know, Phoebe will walk up and you will have coffee and cake before heading your separate ways."

"Why can't we turn up together?" I asked.

"Because then they'll think you stayed the night." Phoebe said, looking a little horrified.

I shrugged, not really seeing the issue with that. I might have been offended by the face she was pulling if it weren't for the fact, I had seen her face after our kisses.

"It's already ten so if you'll excuse us, I need to get Phoebe ready. You can show yourselves out." Cara said dismissively, as she got up.

"I think she looks great as she is." I said, reluctant to let her leave my side.

Phoebe laughed and stood to follow her. "Trust me, Cara will fix all this." She gestured to her face and then moved to follow Cara.

I wanted to stop her going and protest that she was stunning the way she was but instead I just said, "I'll see you later then?"

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