Chapter 44 - Phoebe

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"I'm sorry Ms Summers. We have looked extensively but there isn't any sign of the woman who drugged you." The officer explains.

I sigh and look at Cara who looks ready to rip the young policeman to shreds.

"Thank you, I understand. You have my number so you can tell me if anything changes?"

"Yes, and there's a warrant out on her. I promise we are taking this seriously." He means it too. I can see it in his eyes.

"Thank you. Well if you'll excuse me we have a show to get to." I give him my brightest smile but he doesn't seem to fall for it.

"I really don't think this is a good idea." Cara says, her arm looped with mine as we make our way through the corridors.

"I can't put my life on hold until she's found Cara. I need to prove that she didn't hurt me really and she didn't stop us."

Cara shakes her head, apparently realising it's futile to argue with me.

We exit through the revolving entrance doors and make our way to a waiting car. I'm relieved Cara brought me an outfit to wear so we don't have to go anywhere but the venue, however it is starting to feel a little strange wearing so many clothes that aren't mine.

The sequin purple and gold top under a leather jacket makes me feel like some sort of punk mermaid. A comparison I'm not sure if Cara would appreciate seeing as the outfit came from her wardrobe and she's the biggest girly girl I know!

"Are you sure about this?" She asks me again.

I roll my eyes, "Positive. It will be ok, Elliott has got extra security."

I gesture to the two burly security guards in the front seat of the car as we get in.

"How are you feeling ma'am?" One asks and I have a feeling Elliott told him to ask.

"I'm fine, honestly. Let's get going." I assure them.

If one more person asks me how I am I might scream. And possibly admit that I am a swirling ball of nerves inside.

Cara fusses and touches up my make up on the journey and by the time we get there I no longer look as exhausted as I feel both physically and mentally.

We are led around the building to a side entrance to avoid the hoards of screaming fans and as soon as we step in I can feel the music from the opening act pulsing through the floor. The squeals and screams of excitement in the distance.

Victoria greets us and tells us about the private seating area she has prepared and that I'll be with family of the band who are here tonight.

My stomach rolls at the idea of potentially meeting Elliott's family. "I need the loo." I say quickly as she goes to push the door open.

"The ladies is just down there on the right." Victoria gestures and I hurry off before anyone can say anything.

I can still hear the music in the distance but it's just about quiet enough that I can hear myself think.

I want to splash cold water on my face but I can't risk ruining my make up so I grip the edges of the sink so hard my knuckles turn white.

"We have to stop meeting like this."

I whirl at the voice and come face to face with a furious Arielle.

"What are you doing here?" I say softly, trying to take a small step towards the door.

"Don't you dare move." She snaps and it's then I see the glint of silver in her hand as she points the knife at me and my blood run cold.

I slip my hand round to my back pocket and slowly unlock my phone, keeping my movements as small as possible so she isn't alerted.

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