Chapter 37 - Elliott

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Sat in the dressing room and staring at my phone I hope beyond hope that Phoebe will reply. She's only sent one message since I dropped her off saying thank you for the day and her Nanna needs her so she might not reply for a bit.

The door opens and I glance up expecting to see one of the guys but instead a pretty blonde enters.

"Do I know you?" I frown at the girl dressed in the denim hot pants and white glittery top that all our backing dancers wear.

She struts towards me, "Not well enough yet baby."

I nearly fall off the the stool I'm perched on "Not interested."

She just smiles and keeps coming until I'm forced to put a hand out to stop her before she can reach me. She doesn't seem to care and walks into it so my hand is now flat against her shoulder.

I try to jerk it back, but she catches my wrist, moving my hand lower, to her breast. Her back arches and her face twists into one of exaggerated pleasure.

"The hell." I splutter, snatching my hand back more forcefully, "A little help in here." I shout as I jump off the stool and back away from her.

She keeps moving towards me, swaying her hips, "But I know you like me. She said to come back here and you'd be waiting. Then here you are as promised! Please baby."

She pouts up at me as I back till I hit the wall. "Who said?" I try frantically to buy some time, "Help!" I call out again.

I can't risk laying a hand on her and the trouble that might bring, "Security!"

This time I hear footsteps in the hall and to my relief Jake runs in. "Elliott?"

He quickly assesses the situation and catches the girl's shoulders, steering her back out into the hallway.

She turns her head back to glare at me and then bursts into tears. "I thought he loved me." She wails and I hear her dramatic sobs echo down the hallway.

Mu breath came out of me in a rush and shakily sank into my sofa in the centre of the dressing room.

"What the hell was that?" Erik bursts through the already open door, giving a look down the corridor at Jake and the retreating girl, his expression as shocked as I feel.

"Some psycho backing dancer." I shake my head. "I'm never going to get used to all that."

"You alright man," Erik is frowning at me, concern written across his features, "You know what they can be like."

"Yeah, I don't know why I..." I paused, trying to find the words, "She said someone told her to come back here."

"One of the crew?" He glances towards the door, obviously thinking about going to check for himself who it was.

"She didn't say." I run a hand through my hair, "Just felt off, you know?"

"I'll ask around. You still going to be ok to perform? We're up in ten, that's why I was coming to get you." Erik says, acknowledging that he knows my pre-show quiet time was interupted.

I glance at my phone again but there's still no reply from Phoebe. God I hope I haven't messed this up with her.

Ramming my phone in my pocket I shoot him a grin, "Ready as I'll ever be."

Just seconds before we go on stage I noticed the looks and whispers of people around me changed, "What's going on?" I ask Victoria, gesturing to the people with a nod of my head.

"Nothing." Her reply is too quick and she knows it, "I'll explain when the show is over."

I frown, half wanting to demand answers now but I can hear the announcement beginning for us. Instead I give her a sharp nod, roll my shoulders and accept the offered mic before bouncing on my heels and running out into the blinding lights.

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