Chapter 1

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A/N Released early as a thank you for 1k on All the Things She Feels (please check that out!) I'm almost done with this fic and I really like this first chapter! Please enjoy! it's a little short but a new one is going to be posted Monday anyway! 

The letter Ciel Phantomhive held between his hands was no different than the others that the Queen had sent him with the orders of his next investigation. The same seal, the same paper, the same handwriting that clearly stated who had sent and who was to receive the letter. But its contents made the usually stoic earl worry.

My Dear Boy,

I hope you are doing well, I certainly am. Still, I have heard from our colleagues in Japan about strange events that seem to take place (something to do with a yellow-creature). I felt the need to send an investigator over there and have found some shocking information. There seems to be some sort of supernatural octopus-like creature that threatens to destroy the world if a group of junior high students doesn't dispose of him before spring. It worries me and as much as I wish to trust these children, I would feel much safer if you could join them and attempt to dispose of this creature yourself.



Ciel shook his head. There was no way this was the work of an actual supernatural being. Angels wouldn't want to destroy the entire world, grim reapers were far too controlled ( no one would want to deal with that much overtime, as Will would say) and a demon would have to be incredibly starved to want the soul of a psycho who wished to end the world ( the soul would taste bitter, Sebastian informed him). Even so... Ciel couldn't help but feel that something strange would happen while he attended Kunugigaoka Junior High School, but didn't something strange always happen when he was sent away?


"Class, may I please have your attention"

Nagisa Shiota looked up from his math exam and towards his octopus-like teacher, who was looking at the class with the same smile he always wore. Koro-sensei almost never interrupted their tests, as he believed that they were to be taken incredibly seriously so he could take note of where they were and what he could help them with.

"It seems that starting on Monday we will have a new student joining us. He comes all the way from England, so please try to be kind and welcoming as he doesn't know anyone"

No sooner had the words "new student" left the teachers mouth when the classroom erupted into whispers. "Someone English? Oh my gosh, do you think he'll have a British accent!" "Will he be cute? Do you think he has a girlfriend?" "Does he know about Koro-sensei? Is that why he's coming?" "What did he even do to get himself in the end-class anyway?"

"Oh and it seems another teacher will be joining us as well! How wonderful! A Mr. Sebastian Michaelis"

"Aw damn, neither one of them are girls" Okajima whined. The rest of the class rolled their eyes and continued to whisper to each other about the new student, test long forgotten. Koro-sensei soon instructed them to go back to work, but even he couldn't fully concentrate on the task at hand. They had gotten new students and teachers before, with Ritsu, Itona and Miss Jelavic and the creature knew that they were going to be different, but with this boy... Ciel Phantomhive's file wasn't exactly normal for a boy his age, even if he wasn't tested on, an AI or a trained assassin. And from what he heard his servants usually did most of his work as the Queen's watchdog. The teacher on the other hand... had absolutely nothing. No links to any mafia groups or... anything. Not even birth certificate records. He didn't exist. And for the first time in a while... Koro-sensei felt nervous. 

Ciel Phantomhive and the Yellow OctopusWhere stories live. Discover now