Chapter 7

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A/N This is reallyyy short, haha, sorry, but we have like two more chapter left? Because this is so short I'm posting the next chapter on Thursday!  Thanks for reading and don't forget to vote!

Finny and Bard stuck around, acting as if nothing had happened with Mey-rin, and Koro-sensei joined them in it, going on with the regular day's lessons without batting an eye. While he was curious about the maids breakdown, he knew no one would tell him and that it would be useless to pry.

At the moment they were walking through the woods in a deadly game of hide and seek against Koro-Sensei. The only problem was that Finny (who was paired up on a team with Bardroy, Ciel, Karma and Nagisa) was constantly getting distracted by all the nature around them, playing around with any living thing within a five foot range.

"This should be a good spot" Nagisa said, looking up at the boulders on the side of the mountain, "It's in the rocks, which should make for a good hiding spot, and we can disappear of the side of the mountain if Koro-Sensei finds us-" a chirp interrupted him and he sighed, turning to tell Finny to stop playing with the birds when-


The blunette turned his head, eyes widening at the sight of a large boulder rolling right towards him. He closed his eyes tightly, waiting for the force of the rock to hit him, but instead only felt familiar, squishy tentacles wrap around him. Nagisa opened his eyes, seeing Koro-sensei gently lay him on the ground, a murderous glare directed towards the figures at the top of the rock-pile.


Finny didn't waste any time. While Karma and Nagisa were busy comforting each other over the blunette's near-death experience, Finny calmly made his way towards the creature he was ordered to kill. Koro-sensei had upset Mey-rin, and no one hurt Finny's friends. Plus, the young master ordered Finny to take the creature out. And a servant must always comply with his master's wishes, that was the first thing Finny learned from Mr. Sebastian. So Finny didn't hesitate to lure Koro-sensei here and doesn't hesitate now when throwing large boulders his way, even experimenting with wacking him with trees.

"Finny, please try to keep your creepy-ass smiling to a minimum I am trying to enjoy my tea" Ciel sat on a rock, carefully sipping strong tea and looking down at the fight between his servant and the octopus. Jeez, where is all this tea coming from? Where does he carry it?

Finny flashed the young master a bright smile, "Right! Sorry about that bocchan!" he threw another boulder Koro-sensei's way, only for it to be blocked once more by the creature. Not only that, but milliseconds later the octopus had Finny pinned against the floor, using all his strength to keep the boy down.

Finny narrowed his eyes, first looking up at the young master as Ciel gave him a curt nod, and Finny yelled for his animal friends. Karma and Nagisa looked at him in shock as herds of all kinds of animals flooded the rocky clearing. Finny used the momentary distraction and his strength to break free from Koro-sensei, pull himself up onto a deer's back and knock the octopus on the head one more time before disappearing into the distance, only a flash of his numbers showing before he jumped off the animal and ran right alongside them, completely out of sight in milliseconds.

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