Chapter 5

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A/N Hey ya'll! I was gonna start the one-week hiatus for this book last week but I was really excited for this chapter and its also really short soooo.... Please enjoy!

Koro-Sensei didn't know what to do. He hadn't ever fought a demon. He wasn't an underworld creature, but strange monsters seem to find each other, so he knew about demons.

"Sebastian is the name that he's taken" Claude had informed him "It's the name of the little brats old dog"

Kori-Sensei didn't like Claude. He'd go as far as to say he hated him. Still, Claude was the closest thing to someone like him that he could find, and Kiri-Sensei hated being lonely. He had witnessed multiple drunk (or maybe not drunk. Can demons get drunk?) rants about his ex-boyfriend. As far as Koro-Sensei could tell, they had a toxic, forced relationship that neither one of them enjoyed past the lust. They were demons so what do you expect?

He almost froze when he realized who Ciel was. Claude never said the name of Sebastian's master, just that it was a young boy. He spoke about the boy with such pedophelic lust that Koro-Sensei had thrown up on the spot (he had gathered his wits when Claude continued on, talking about his own master in such a terrible way that the octopus vowed to never meet with the man again). But this boy... he wasn't a reckless eighteen year old, he was twelve. A child. Just a kid, who had summoned a demon and was here trying to kill him by order of the Queen. Who had battled an angel- a fallen angel from what he gathered and lost everyone in his family. Even Kori-Sensei- a literal monster- refused to fight or train anyone under fourteen who didn't gravely need it. He was a child. And Koro-sensei needed to help him. But from what he'd seen today, he wasn't sure that he wanted to be helped. And even if he did, Koro-sensei didn't know how he could.


The young master was angry. He dropped his cocky act when they passed through the doors of the rental home, throwing his school bag to the side with such intensity it made the chalkboard inside break.

"Bocchan-" Sebastian started, his voice unsurprisingly steady.

"Shut it you," Ciel growled, spinning around to face the butler. He couldn't scold the man for not obeying orders. He had told him that he would need to transform. The boy felt a spur of irrational anger towards Sebastian. The butler simply nodded and started to undress the boy-

"Get off" Ciel growled. He didn't know why he was mad, but he was, and he didn't want Sebastian's help. "I'll do this by myself, I'll do it all by myself. I don't need you"

Sebastian frowned "My lord-" he started.

"Get out. You obviously can't do anything like a normal person so get out" 

A/N See you next monday!

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