Chapter 9 - Finale

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A/N Woooweee! This chapter was shorter than I'd like but that's kind of the point? But this is the finale! The end! This fic has been so fun and seeing the reads, votes, and adds go up has made me so happy! Please know that if you added or voted or commented on my book you immediately made my day! Thank you so much! (Please see the end of the chapter for important notes!) 

Ciel was angry. He wasn't even trying too hard to hide up, yet no one had figured out what he was going to do. He was that reckless kind of angry but was somehow able to wait until PE before bringing out his gun. He shot a few times, decent shots, but nothing Koro-Sensei couldn't hit. And that monster had the audacity to give him a sad smile. To pity him.

Ciel shot again and again but Koro-Sensei was only coming closer. "Ciel... please. Let me help you" the being said softly "I can help you"

Ciel shot, eyes blazing.

"C'mon, please. Your only a kid"

Ciel shot again.

"C'mere. We can do this together. We can help you" the students nodded along, each one of them etching their way towards the boy with soft eyes. All of them had their hands out, wanting to help him, wanting him to be safe, to be happy-

Ciel broke. "No one can help me" he roared. He should be crying, but his tears ran dry a long time ago. "SEBASTIAN!" he felt the presence of his raven-haired butler there instantly, and a calm yes my lord echoed from the mountain. "...Kill him. Kill them. I don't care what it takes. JUST KILL THEM"

Sebastian smiled, using his gloved fingers to pull Ciel's eyelids down and then tearing said gloves off with his teeth. His eyes morphed from their warm orange color to the devilish red shade that haunted Ciel's dreams. A black smoke-like substance consumed him, and the earl ducked his head as his breath became heavy and he refused to see that thing again. Sebastian made quick work of the teacher, and it was so much easier with his demon-form available. The students attempted to get in his way, to stop him, but when they caught sight of the butlers true form, they screamed and fainted. Those who were able to stay conscious tried to fight him, but he merely swatted away.

The children who were left were even easier to dispose of, them being not only weak humans, but weak kids. Soon he had a pile of limp bodies holding onto each other at his feet.

"Why are you doing this... what kind of monster are you" the blunette that Sebastian hadn't bothered to learn the name of sobbed into his lover's shoulder, holding the redhead close.

The demon simply smiled "I am merely following my master's orders. And as for what am I... well, I am simply one hell of a butler" seconds later the boys had muffled each other's broken screams as Sebatinan added them to the pile of limp bodies he was going to have to hide. 


The bodies were all too familiar to those lying around him during That Night. The couples holding onto each other even in death were the same as his parent's dead bodies. And Sebastian was there... Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian.Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian.Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian. Sebastian.

"I'm here, my lord" Sebastian. Arms held him and he didn't hesitate to hold on tightly to the butler's form. He was still in demon form, but Ciel couldn't care less anymore. Sebastian. He held the man close, trying to not look at the limp bodies around him

"Take me home, Sebastian"

A/N That's done! I'm so happy, this has been an amazing journey! ALSO! I'm releasing a new Black Butler book for anyone interested! I'm super proud of it (each chapter like 1.5+ K words. Nani?!) and can't wait to publish it next Monday! Please please please check it out it would make me so happy! Thanks for reading 



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