Chapter 4

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People were whispering, looking at Ciel, the next day. He could clearly hear their conversations, so he didn't know why they bothered hiding their mouths behind their hands. He didn't particularly mind, if a certain comment was bothersome he'd just give them a side-eyed glare. That shut them up. He sighed, remembering his and Sebastian's conversation last night.

"My lord" Sebastian started, tugging the young earls sock down after removing his shoes "Do pardon me, but your plan seems a tad too simple. I've been gathering information and-"

"I don't want to hear it, Sebastian" Ciel interrupted, his strained voice nearly a growl. "This plan won't fail. While I do admit the octopus is impressive, he's nothing compared to you. I'm tired and I want to go home. Lizzy's birthday is soon and as much as I don't want to go, I don't really have much of a choice unless I want Lady Francis to knaw my head off. We'll get this done as soon as possible, and if nothing goes wrong tomorrow we might be able to get back home before Bardroy blows up the kitchen for the third time"

"But my lord-"

"Shut it, Sebastian. Get me my pillow. Goddamn schools exhausting"

Ciel shook his head. This didn't matter, his plan was going to work and they'd get home in time for supper. He'd just have to survive until PE.


Everyone was waiting for Ciel Phantomhive to make a move. Nagisa had told Karma what had happened, and of course, Karma had told everyone. No one actually believed that Ciel would take down Koro-sensei. It was his first try, no one, not even pro's, succeeded on their first try. No actually ever succeeded.

By PE all eyes were on Ciel, but he just seemed to be fussing about his clothes. Out of nowhere, when even Ritsu wasn't expecting it, Ciel whipped around, pulling an Anti-Sensei pistol from his pocket and shooting at Koro-Sensei.

As expected, the teacher easily dodged the bullets (which were decently well aimed, nothing overly impressive), but before he could comment, a black haired figure launched itself inhumanly fast towards the teacher. A knife cut off one of Koro-Sensei's tentacles, a bullet nearly hit him in the side. Everyone turned towards the figure so fast that they were sure their heads would spin all the way around. Standing next to Ciel was Mr. Michaelis, elegant as ever, his red eyes glowing.

"Young Master" he started, swinging at the octopus with multiple weapons around him "should I ask the students to leave? I'm afraid this might get a bit messy. I tried to tell you before, but this creature is stronger than an angel". He gave Ciel a side glance saying that for this battle, he might have to transform.

Ciel tensed. He'd seen Sebastian's full demon form once before the battle with Ash/Angela. It had only been a few glances, but it had been one of the only things that terrified Ciel about Sebastian. And if the octopus was stronger than two fallen angels...

"No, I warned the blue one. They can run if they want but... don't go that far. I'm sure you'll be able to defeat him some other way"

It turns out Sebastian did need his demon form. So after three hours straight (two of which Koro-Sensei was arguing that he needed to take the students to class while trying not to get killed by Sebastian's unpredictable attacks) Ciel ordered Sebastian to stop.

"I'm bored," he claimed, and the butler immediately stopped fighting the octopus. "The days over. I'm hungry and supper is soon"

Sebastian gave him a curt nod and picked Ciel up from the tree he had been put in to keep him safe from the bullets and flying knives (which weren't deadly but what kind of butler would he be if he let his master be hit by rogue weapons). Ciel had gotten more used to being carried by the butler when wounded, and although he would never admit it, he quite enjoyed not walking. Especially down that dreaded hill. He wrapped his arms around Sebastian's neck and made sure the demon was holding him tight enough. Before Sebastian leaped into the air, he turned his head towards the shocked students and teachers.

"See you in class"

Ciel Phantomhive and the Yellow OctopusWhere stories live. Discover now