Chapter 3

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"Your Nagisa Shiota"

The blue haired boy jumped at the sound of Ciel's voice from behind him. He had known the boy was there, his assassin skills had made him aware of that, but he had been so quiet and Nagisa hadn't been expecting him to talk. "Y-Yeah"

"What information do you have on killing the octopus" well then not even a hello, Nagisa sees how it is.

"O-Oh, yeah I've been gathering weaknesses over the time he's been here in this notebook-" only seconds after the blunette took the notebook out of his pocket Ciel had it in his hands, flipping through the pages.

"Alright. Most of these are bullshit but I'm sure a few of them could come in handy. Your information is appreciated. You might not want to come to school tomorrow, though. It will be quite chaotic if my assasination doesn't go as planned" Ciel swung his bag over his shoulder once more and started to descend down the steps-

"Wait" Ciel stopped "You don't actually think you can kill him yourself? You didn't even try at roll call today and you've only known him for a day"

Ciel didn't even turn back around "I'm not going to be the one killing him"

"You're gonna hire someone? It's not going to work, people have tried-"

"Don't worry your pretty little pigtails about it" Nagisa flushed "My attempt will work, and I don't need anything more than your information to do it in less than a day. I'm always traveling and I can't wait to get out of this terrible-"

"Nufufufufufu" Both blunettes turned to see Koro-sensei at the top of the stairs "Seeing you two get along so well is so entertaining! But Nagisa's right, you know. You can't do it alone, you can save yourself the time if you just-"

"No" Both Nagisa and Koro-sensei stopped at the lack of determination in Ciel's voice. He didn't sound angry, or excited, or scared. He seemed almost... bored. "I don't need your help. I have my strategy and I've defeated enemies much worse than you". He didn't bother to turn himself completely around, and instead turned to face the woods. "I am the Earl Phantomhive and trust me when I say you won't be able to stop me" 

Ciel Phantomhive and the Yellow OctopusWhere stories live. Discover now