Chapter 2

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A/N As promised, here's Chapter 2! I hope you enjoy! It's a lil cringy but I hope you'll forgive me uwu (a good 706 word count) 

Karma expected a trained assassin. Ritsu expected someone like herself. Kaede expected a soft boy she could befriend. Nagisa didn't know what to expect. But he didn't expect this.

When Ciel Phantomhive walked into class Monday he was glad that Sebastian had convinced him to wear something simpler than his usual earl-like attire because the poorly dressed individuals around him wore incredibly simple clothes. Simple was being generous. The young earl scoffed at the students staring at him wide-eyed and mouths agape. First, they seemed awed by his clothes, (honestly people, it's just a laced shirt with a waistcoat and trousers) then his age. They must not have been expecting a twelve-year-old.

"Oh! You must be Ciel! How wonderful! I am Koro-sensei, and you must have already been informed of this class's situation with assassinating me since you don't seem too shocked about my appearance" Ciel stared intently at the yellow creature. When he had first seen a picture of the octopus he had been surprised since he expected a supernatural creature to have more of a disguise.

"... Yes, it is I"

The blunette jumped as the classroom erupted into squeals from almost every girl in the room "Holy mother of hot salsa that accent though!" "This boy is too fine I can't freaking BREATH!"

"Girls, girls," Miss Bitch said from the other side of the room "He's twelve so calm do- holy mother of everything spicy in this world, who is that hot man" everyone immediately turned their heads towards the doorway, where a raven-haired man stood in a suit.

"Ah, Mr. Michaelis! I thought I sensed you! Class this is Sebastian Michaelis, who will be teaching you part-time until the end of the year!"

Before the teacher could say anything, Ms. Bitch was at his side, feeling him up with hearts in her eyes. "Oh, don't worry Koro-sensei, I'm sure he'll have time to meet the brats later, but right now I'll lead him to the teacher's lounge so we can... discuss teaching methods"

In seconds Sebastian had been dragged to the teacher's room and Ciel was left alone with his new teacher and classmates. "Well Ciel-kun, the students all get to attack me after roll call, so you can sit down right next to Karma over there" He pointed to a red-haired guy in the back who had a mischievous smirk on his face. Putting the new kid in the back Ciel thought and next to the troublemaker? You really are inexperienced, even I can see that.

Even so, he sat down without a word and answered when the blue-haired guy(?) called his name during roll call. When the teacher called for everyone to take out their weapons, people immediately took out their pistols and started shooting, a few even taking out rifles or knives. Even the red-haired boy seemed to have all his concentration on trying to hit the moving (at an incredibly fast speed, but nowhere near as fast as Sebastian could be when the time called for it). Ciel merely stayed seated and opened up a book his tutor had assigned him, trying to drown out the gunshots and occasional slashing blades. He got a few questioning glances from people near him, but the students seemed pretty concentrated on trying to hit the creature.

Soon everyone ran out of ammo and sat back down. Koro-sensei started his lesson, only being interrupted by assassination attempts (none successful) a few times. It was after the second attempt of the day that the red-haired boy (Karma, he reminded himself) gave him the first valuable piece of information he would put to use on this case.

"So I'm guessing you think you can kill the octopus with strategy" Karma started, not even bothering to take him feet off the desk. Ciel ignored him. "If that's really what you want to try you should talk to my boyfriend over there. If you can even call him a boy His eyes darted towards a guy who called roll sitting in the second row. "Nagisa Shiota, he sure is something I'll tell you that" 

Ciel Phantomhive and the Yellow OctopusWhere stories live. Discover now